Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them    

We have heard of people with eating disorders, but what are these conditions? Avoidance or restrictive food intake disorder means the patient does not want to eat and depends on nutritional supplements – this might be caused by a series of factors, including the pain caused by acid reflux in childhood. Other disorders are bulimia, which is excess eating, and anorexia, consisting of frequent weighing and restricted eating. Additional info click here.


Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux    

Do you suspect you have acid reflux? There are some symptoms that will help you identify it. In acid reflux, the digestive matter returns back to the esophagus and throat. This causes the throat to feel scratchy, there is a bad taste in the mouth and there is a dry cough. Learn about the other symptoms. Click here for more details.


Popular Heartburn Medicine Associated With Vitamin Deficiencies

Popular Heartburn Medicine Associated With Vitamin Deficiencies    

A popular drug for acid reflux, ulcers, and GERD is called proton-pump inhibitor (PPI). It is considered safe and better than other drugs. However, a study recently found out that it can be associated with vitamin deficiencies and kidney disease, in addition to dementia. Should you stop taking these drugs? More Information click here.


Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion

Tumeric Adds Flavor And Helps With Heartburn And Indigestion    

Tumeric is an excellent spice to add flavor and color to food. But it has also interesting health properties. It can be used as an alternative therapy for treating heartburn and indigestion, reduce the possibility of a heart attack and even help with depression. This is because of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additional details click here.


Monday, December 30, 2019

These Tips Will Help You Lose Weight And Have A Better Digestion

These Tips Will Help You Lose Weight And Have A Better Digestion    

There are ways to improve digestive health in a natural way, with the advantage that they will help with weight loss. Among these are taking apple cider vinegar to treat bloating and acid reflux, ingest eat and spices such as oregano, dill, and rosemary to improve healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Click here for more information.


Are You Feeling With Nausea After Eating? Check At This Advice

Are You Feeling With Nausea After Eating? Check At This Advice    

If you feel nausea after eating, your body won’t get the nutrients and fuel it needs to work properly, so it is important to find the reason. It might be food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, stress, ulcer, acid reflux, and indigestion, among others. How to treat them? More info click here.


These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn

These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn    

Do you want to improve your cooking in the same case of making it healthy? Try adding spices. Ginger has a fragrant flavor and has anti-inflammatory properties. Tumeric is the main spice in curry and is used to fight depression and liver disease. Also, it is good for arthritis, indigestion, and heartburn. Check all the spices. Additional information click here.


Peppermint Tea Good For Indigestion And For Your Memory

Peppermint Tea Good For Indigestion And For Your Memory    

Peppermint tea has a series of health benefits: relieves gassy and bloating sensations, reduces heartburn and indigestion, helps with skin irritations and also keeps one freshened and calm. A study has also shown that it can improve the mood and memory. Click here for more info.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Quick Remedies For Heartburn

Quick Remedies For Heartburn    

There are quick remedies for easing heartburn. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which helps with the acids in the stomach. Bananas and apples have natural antacids. Additional info click here.


High Microbial Diversity On The Intestine Related To Red Wine, Coffee, And Tea

High Microbial Diversity On The Intestine Related To Red Wine, Coffee, And Tea    

Microbial diversity in out intestines helps with digestion. A study has shown that red wine, coffee, and tea are related to high microbial diversity, but sodas, sugar, snacks, and milk, were related to low microbial diversity. Click here for more details.


Babies With Acid Reflux Receive Medicine That Can Be Even More Harmful

Babies With Acid Reflux Receive Medicine That Can Be Even More Harmful    

Acid reflux is common in babies because their gastroesophageal valve is not fully formed. However, an acid-suppressing medication that is being given to babies can be even more harmful. More Information click here.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Avoid Belly Bloat With These Foods

Avoid Belly Bloat With These Foods    

Bloating is usual after a heavy lunch r dinner. But it can be also caused by the absence of certain foods that ease digestion, like peppermint, ginger and apple cider vinegar. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits

Coffee Is Great, But You May Be Decreasing Its Benefits    

Coffee not only adds energy but protects us against dementia and increases our memory and metabolism. But how we drink it can add or reduce its benefits. For example, pre-ground coffee has more free radicals, reducing its antioxidants. This also happens when storing it on the original bag. Learn the correct way to drink coffee. Click here for more information.


Waist Trainers Cause Pressure On The Stomach And Acid Reflux

Waist Trainers Cause Pressure On The Stomach And Acid Reflux    

Waist trainers and corsets are popular among women who have given birth and want to recover their figure without going to the gym. However, the constriction in the abdomen has consequences on the internal organs. One of them is the extra pressure on the stomach causes acid reflux. More info click here.


Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis

Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis    

A study has shown that the OTC Prevacid can be used for treating tuberculosis. This is because it is highly active again drug-resistant strains of the microorganism responsible for tuberculosis. Additional information click here.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Eating Disorders In Children When The Child Is Not Eating

Eating Disorders In Children When The Child Is Not Eating    

Eating disorders in children are usually related to excess eating and overweight kids. However, the opposite is children who don’t want to eat. This is because they associate eating with a painful condition, like in the case of acid reflux. More details click here.


Hot Spicy Dishes May Result In Living More Years

Hot Spicy Dishes May Result In Living More Years    

E study has shown that red-hot chili can help extend life. This could be related to capsaicin, the component that ads the hot spicy flavor, which may have anti-obesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammation and anti-cancer benefits. However, people with gastrointestinal conditions or heartburn must think twice before eating a hot spicy dish. More details click here.


Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy

Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy    

It Can Cause Liver Damage, Dehydration, Headaches And Sleep Disorders    

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks, due to its antioxidants. However, excessive intake of antioxidants, as in the case of green tea supplements, can result in liver damage. While green tea brews have 90 to 300 mg of antioxidants, its supplements have from 500 to 1000 mg. According to researchers, more than 800 mg of antioxidants might damage the liver. Therefore the message is that green tea is healthy, while it is not ingested in large quantities. Other consequences of green tea overdose are acid reflux and acidity, due to its caffeine content, dehydration, because the tea acts as a natural diuretic, mineral deficiency, and also caffeine, leading to headaches and sleep disorders. Additional details click here.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

These Foods Must Not Be Taken Before Bedtime

These Foods Must Not Be Taken Before Bedtime    

They May Cause Heartburn, Wakefulness, And Even Give An Energy Boost, Preventing A Restful Sleep    

Eating certain foods before bed will result in poor sleeping, because they affect the digestive process leading to heartburn, or keep the body active, preventing a restful state. For example, fried foods take longer to digest, hot sauces cause heartburn and result in the production of histamines, which causes wakefulness. Other food that must be not eaten before bedtime is turkey. Alcohol forces the liver to work hard to process it, which in turn, increases the heart rate, preventing a good sleep. Even though it has tryptophan, which causes sleepiness, it also causes the brain to produce dopamine, which gives energy. Chocolate, certain teas, and coffee (of course!) contain caffeine, which will prevent falling asleep easily. Check all the foods that must not be taken before bedtime. More Information click here.


Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux    

It Also Decreases The Risk Of Osteoporosis, Arthritis, And The Formation Of Kidney Stones    

Baking soda is known as a kitchen ingredient. However, it has also alkaline properties. This can help combat acid reflux and heartburn, by working as an antacid and neutralizing the excess acid in the stomach. It also combats excess acidity in the body by alkalinizing it. Also, excessive acidity can lead to osteoporosis, arthritis, and same types of cancer. Excessive acidity is one of the causes of the appearance of kidney stones, along with iron deficiency and dehydration. Baking soda can help prevent these conditions. It also reduces inflammation, reducing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints, preventing arthritis. Check how to make baking soda water. Click here for more information.


The Best Sleeping Position For Avoiding Back Pain And Preventing Acid Reflux

The Best Sleeping Position For Avoiding Back Pain And Preventing Acid Reflux    

Placing A Pillow Under The Knees While Sleeping On The Back Will Align The Spine    

There are many opinions about the best sleeping position. The truth is: It Depends. If you have acid reflux, the best position is to the left side. Sleeping on your back can be the best, because of its neutral position, except when you have sleep apnea. Specialists say that sleeping on your back can also put stress on the curve of the spine. This can be avoided by placing a pillow under the knees. In this way, the head, neck, and spine are correctly aligned in a neutral position. Also, in case of suffering from acid reflux, elevating the head will prevent the food matter from returning from the stomach. More info click here.


Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment    

This Happens When Vomiting And With Severe Acid Reflux    

Sensitive teeth occur when the exterior layer of the teeth, called enamel, gets worn. The causes are exposure to an acidic environment, such as when drinking soda, with vomiting or when acid reflux is so severe, that the food matter reaches the oral cavity. One way to avoid it is ingesting dairy products after the exposure to acids. According to specialists, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphates, which help to protect the enamel from erosion. Therefore, in the case of vomiting or acid reflux, it is a good idea to rinse the teeth with milk. Since the acids have softened the enamel, it is better to wait one hour to brush the teeth. In the meanwhile, saliva will gradually clean the traces of acid exposure. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are cavities, gum disease, and intense whitening sessions, among others. Check all the causes of sensitive teeth. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, And Acid Reflux    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches and hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. Click here for more info.


Stomach Cancer Can Be Difficult To Detect At An Initial Stage

Stomach Cancer Can Be Difficult To Detect At An Initial Stage    

These Symptoms May Help With Early Detection    

Stomach cancer has symptoms that show at an early stage. It is also more common in people with poor health habits, such as excessive smoking or drinking, and also ingesting high-fat food. The problem with this type of cancer is that in the beginning, it does not show itself, and the characteristic symptoms appear at later stages. However, there a signs that reveal the presence of a tumor in the stomach, such as tiredness, and losing weight. Pain after eating is also a symptom if it lasts for a long time and disrupts sleep. Increased salivation, difficulty in swallowing, and heartburn are also symptoms that must not be overlooked. Check all the symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage. More details click here.


Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones

Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones    

It Decreases The Risk Of Several Types Of Cancer, Parkinson’s And Diabetes    

In the last years, there have been studies in favor of and against coffee. The truth is that is linked to many health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, besides the alertness and mental concentration. Recently, cancer researchers have released a study in which a chemical that forms in the process of roasting coffee, called acrylamide, probably may cause cancer. However, other studies have shown that coffee decreases the risk of cancer, including liver, prostate, and colon. It also reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and chronic liver disease. On the other side, it can affect pregnancy negatively, including pregnancy loss, endometriosis, and low birth weight. Check all the positive and negative effects of coffee. Additional info click here.


What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

IBS Occurs When The Intestine Works Too Fast Or Too Slow    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastric condition that occurs when the intestine works too fast, or too slow. This means that there are different types: IBS-C, constipation, when the intestine works too slow, IBS-D, diarrhea, when the intestine works too fast, or a mixed type, called IBS-M. The symptoms of IBS-C are abdominal pain and less than 3 bowel movements per week, which IBS-D has also tummy pain, and watery stools. Note that these symptoms are also common in other gastric conditions, therefore it is advised to have a proper diagnosis by a specialist. The next step is to determine what foods can worsen or make better the IBS. Caffeine is a laxative, and alcohol can trigger loose stools – avoid these in case of IBS-D. Fiber will help in the case of IBS-C. Also, according to specialists, one of the causes of IBS is an unbalance of the helpful bacteria in the intestine that helps digestion, which can be treated with probiotics. Check all the advice for IBS sufferers. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Fats, Carbohydrates, And Proteins Are Broken Down By Certain Enzymes

Fats, Carbohydrates, And Proteins Are Broken Down By Certain Enzymes    

They Can Be Obtained As Supplements If The Body Does Not Produce Enough    

The body produces certain enzymes to process foods. Among them are lipase, amylase and which breaks down fats, and carbohydrates, respectively, and protease and peptidase, which breaks down proteins. However, there are cases in which the body, specifically the pancreas, does not produce enough enzymes. In these cases, it can be obtained as a supplement, which is made from plants and animals. There are enzyme supplements for processing the sugar in the bans, and for processing milk and dairy products. However, in the case of acid reflux, there is no clear evidence that enzyme supplements will help it. More Information click here.


Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions

Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions    

They Can Be Confused With Hair Loss, Constipation, Anxiety And Sleep Apnea    

The symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be caused by many other health conditions. Also, in the case of young people, doctors usually don’t screen patients for thyroid conditions. Knowing the symptoms will give the patient an idea of the possible cause, and talk it with the specialist. The most common is hair loss, due to the fact that the thyroid controls hair growth, and also can lead to hair thinning. Constipation is another symptom because hypothyroidism can lower the speed of bowel movements, and also may cause memory loss. Other symptoms are anxiety and depression, depending on if the thyroid is underactive or overactive. Hypothyroidism can also cause extreme fatigue, which is also a symptom of anemia and sleep apnea. Check all the symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Additional details click here.


Excess Eating Does Not Only Add Excess Weight, And High Blood Pressure

Excess Eating Does Not Only Add Excess Weight, And High Blood Pressure    

It Also Increases The Level Of Blood Sugar, Causes Heartburn And Nausea    

As people know, overeating leads to excess weight, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, there are immediate body changes that occur as a large meal or an all-you-can-eat buffet. Among them is an increase in blood levels due to processed foods and carbs, resulting in additional production of insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes. Also, there is an increase in metabolism, as an attempt to burn off the excessive calories. Ingesting excess food also causes swallowing of air, leading to bloating, and also causes heartburn, since the stomach valve has problems closing. Another consequence is nausea, due to the production of leptin, the hormone that tells the body that we have eaten enough. Overeating may be reserved for special occasions, but doing it frequently will harm your body. Check all the consequences of overeating. More info click here.


Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition

Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition    

It Can Be Linked To Acid Reflux, Gastroparesis, Gastric Ulcers, And Lactose Intolerance    

Burping is a natural process, in which the body relieved the excess gas in the stomach. Excessive gas is caused by swallowing too much air or eating foods such as beans, bananas or cauliflowers. However, there are cases in which there is excessive burping, such as in acid reflux, where the stomach valve does not close properly and allows the return of food matter and gasses. Another cause is gastroparesis, a condition that weakens the stomach muscles, and also gastritis and peptic ulcers. A common cause, present in 65% of the adult population is an intolerance to lactose, which is the inability to break down milk sugars. Check all the causes of frequent burping. Click here for more information.


Monday, December 23, 2019

The Cause Of Acid Reflux, Constipation Or Other Gastric Conditions May Be A Bad Habit

The Cause Of Acid Reflux, Constipation Or Other Gastric Conditions May Be A Bad Habit    

Among Them Are Incorrect Chewing, Poor Hydration, And Meals With Sodas    

Digestive problems have a cause. It can be a symptom of an illness or a serious condition. But in other cases, it is the consequence of a bad habit that has been present for years, such as people with jobs or activities that do not allow much time for lunch, obliging them to eat quickly and even when at the same time they are working on their desks. Sooner or later, this habit will take its toll in the form of excess gasses or acid reflux. There are other habits that should be corrected, such as chewing the food incorrectly. This does not permit the saliva to moisten the food, the saliva’s enzymes fail to process it, and the pieces of food are larger. Another bad habit is not drinking enough water during the day, but drinking in excess during meals, causing a sensation of bloating. This gets worse if the water is replaced by soda or carbonated water. Check all the bad habits to avoid. Additional details click here.


Eating Correctly Before A Workout Will Prevent Digestive Issues

Eating Correctly Before A Workout Will Prevent Digestive Issues    

Spicy Foods And Sodas Can Lead To Bloating And Heartburn During The Workout    

The body has an intense activity during a workout. Therefore it is important to eat properly before the workout to provide the correct fuel for the activity, and also to prevent digestive issues. Avoid spicy foods and carbonated drinks because they will cause cramping and heartburn. A good idea is to eat a banana, which is a complex carbohydrate that will sustain the sugar level. After a workout, the body must repair itself, which can be achieved by eating proteins in the form of meats or a protein bar. More here, More Information click here.


Fast Food Contains Excess Sugar, Salt, And Saturated Fat, Doing More Harm Than Good To Your Body

Fast Food Contains Excess Sugar, Salt, And Saturated Fat, Doing More Harm Than Good To Your Body    

It Will Increase Blood Pressure, Worsen Acid Reflux, And Lead To Depression    

Fast food is a quick way to lunch, is not expensive, and tastes great. On the other side, it does more harm than good to the body. It contains fat, sugar, and sodium, which will lead to excess weight and diabetes. It also causes addiction due to the craving for sugar and fat. It also contains empty calories – no vitamins, minerals or healthy fats to nurture the body. Also, it can result in anxiety and depression due to the excess carbs, which do not contain the elements of healthy brain functioning, affecting the cognitive process. It also has consequences on the digestive process for acid reflux or IBS sufferers because it will worsen these conditions. Excess sugar, salt, and saturated fat will lead to obesity and clogged blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure and an increase in risk or cardiovascular disease. Check all the risks of fast food. Click here for more details.


Treating Babies With Antacids And Antibiotics Increase The Risk Of Developing Allergies

Treating Babies With Antacids And Antibiotics Increase The Risk Of Developing Allergies    

These Include Food, Drug, Dust, And Pollen Allergies, Along With Greater Sensitivity To Foreign Toxins    

According to a new study, treating babies with antacids or antibiotics during the first 6 months can increase the risk of allergies or asthma. Even though the study has not proved that the medication is the cause of allergies, there are positive associations between antacids and almost every type of allergy. There is double the risk of the development of food allergies, and a 50% increase in the risk of drug allergies and also hypersensitivity to foreign toxins, such as a bee sting. On the other hand, antibiotics double the risk of asthma and also increase by 50% the risk of dust and pollen, conjunctivitis and foreign toxins. The cause might be the effect of medications on the immune system. Additional info click here.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes And Heart Problems

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes And Heart Problems    

Food Is Not Properly Chewed, Nor Includes The Enzymes For Saliva    

There are cases in which fast food has a second definition. Besides being prepared quickly, it is eaten rapidly. Food needs to be chewed properly to break it up into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva enzymes for proper digestion. Also, proper digestion is established after 20 minutes. Eating too fast may have serious health consequences, such as increasing the risk of diabetes, due to insulin resistance caused by overeating. The heart also suffers due to a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It also causes obesity because the brain does not receive the signal of fullness in time, and also leads to acid reflux, since there is excessive secretion of acid to process the poorly chewed food. More details click here.


Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

It Is Related To Decomposed Bacteria, Including Gastric Issues Like Acid Reflux, Vomiting And Bowel Obstruction    

Bad breath can have many causes. However, there are cases in which the smell is fetid, similar to stools. This might be a symptom of an underlying health condition. The most common cause is poor oral hygiene, including chronic dry mouth, oral infections, and inflammation of the mouth, nose or throat. Sinus infection is another cause since the mucus trapped in the sinuses contains bacteria that is decomposing. The smell of feces can also come from an abscessed tooth, as a result of tooth decay, which contains a buildup of pus, which has this particular smell. There are also gastrointestinal causes, like bacterial content in prolonged vomiting and also in acid reflux. The most critical condition is a bowel obstruction, which the intestine is blocked and the digested food and stool is forced to back up, resulting in a breath smelling like stool. This last condition is critical and life-threatening. Check all the causes that can lead to breath with a smell similar to feces. Click here for more info.


Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway

Acid Reflux Can Also Affect The Throat, Vocal Cords, And Upper Airway    

Symptoms Are A Hoarse Voice, Coughs And Sore Throat    

Coughs, sore throat, and hoarse voice are not only symptoms of a cold or allergies and can appear in hot weather. They can be also symptoms of acid reflux, in which the stomach valve malfunctions, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus, and even to the upper airway, the throat and enter the larynx. It can also affect the vocal cords, which makes the voice hoarse. This is called laryngopharyngeal reflux, or LPR. In some cases, there is no feeling of heartburn, so the person is not aware that the food matter with acidic content is the cause of the throat and vocal condition. Additional information click here.


Hernia Symptoms Can Be Confused It With Other Health Conditions

Hernia Symptoms Can Be Confused It With Other Health Conditions    

Heartburn, Nausea, And Feeling Full Can Lead To Gastrointestinal Issues    

A hernia is a condition in which the tissue stick out through a weak area in the muscle linings, and can be very painful. However, some of the symptoms can be confused with gastric issues or heartburn. The main sign is a visible painful bulge in the abdomen. Also, there is an abdominal pain when bending or lifting things, and a tightness sensation around the abdomen or groin. Other symptoms are closely related to gastrointestinal conditions are feeling full and bloated after eating a small meal, and if you overeat, it can be painful. Also, there is a sensation of nausea or vomiting, and constipation, in case the hernia is related to the large intestine and blocks the digestive process. However, if the hernia is located in the upper abdomen, the symptom will he heartburn. Check all the symptoms of hernia. More info click here.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Taking Painkillers For Period Pain Could Result In Gastrointestinal Conditions

Taking Painkillers For Period Pain Could Result In Gastrointestinal Conditions    

It Increases The Risk Of Developing Acid Reflux Or Stomach Ulcers    

For different women, period cramps can vary. In some cases, they might be mild, while in others, it can be as painful as a heart attack. A solution might be taking painkillers to ease the pain. However, according to specialists, taking these painkillers regularly can lead to health issues such as acid reflux digestive conditions, or stomach ulcers. The recommendation is taking two pills of 250 mg of Ibuprofen per day, with a maximum of four pills per day. Click here for more information.


Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety    

Untreated, It Can Seriously Affect The Function Of The Main Organs    

The thyroid gland regulates the production of energy and metabolism, including the heart, brain, bowels, skin and body temperature. Incorrect hormonal levels will affect health and wellbeing. The symptoms of the low hormonal level (hypothyroidism) include hair loss, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. On the other side, high hormone levels (hyperthyroidism) show as weight loss, anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, and heart palpitations. Both conditions have various symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. Click here for more information.


Is The Baby Constantly Crying? It Might Be Acid Reflux

Is The Baby Constantly Crying? It Might Be Acid Reflux    

The Stomach Valves May Not Be Fully Developed    

Crying is normal for babies, but why do they cry? It may be that they can’t fall asleep, the diaper needs a change, they are hungry, or even, they are lonely. There can be solved easily. However, after they have changed their diapers or fed, they still keep crying. One additional reason may be acid reflux. The valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which prevents the food from returning, is not fully developed. As a result, the stomach acid affects the delicate tissues of the throat and the esophagus, leading to chest pain. Additional details click here.


These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health

These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health    

They Include Fiber, Prebiotics, And Probiotics    

A healthy digestive system depends, among others, in certain foods. The three main groups are fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics. Fiber regulates the speed at which the food passes through the intestine, regulating the bowel movements – among these are legumes, barley, and bran. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which reside in the digestive system and are created through fermentation – some of these foods are yogurt and miso, made from fermented soybeans. Prebiotics are the food for these microorganisms, and some of these are bananas, asparagus, and artichokes. More Information click here.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath

Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath    

Acid Reflux Caused By Stress Releases A Compound Responsible For Foul-Smelling Breath    

Stress can affect overall health, including oral health. One of the consequences is bruxism, also known as tooth grinding and clenching the jaw, which occurs while sleeping. The signs are shortened teeth and an aching jaw when waking up. Stress also causes an aching or clicking jaw as a result of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and the lack of relaxation in the jaw muscle. Root canal problems can occur if tooth grinding is severe. Also, bad breath is an indirect consequence of stress, which causes acid reflux and other compounds that are released through the mouth. Click here for more details.


Chest Pain Is Not Always Associated With A Cardiac Condition

Chest Pain Is Not Always Associated With A Cardiac Condition    

It Can Also Be Caused By Trauma, Acid Reflux, And Anxiety    

Chest pain is usually associated with a cardiovascular condition. However, there are other possibilities such as trauma, costochondritis, which is the inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs and sternum and includes pain near the sternum. Also, it can be acid reflux, which can appear as a severe chest pain if the condition has been left untreated and has worsened. Another possibility is anxiety related to a cardiac condition, which is sharp, localized, and occurs at rest. Learn about all the causes of chest pain. Additional info click here.


Anxiety Is A Mental State, But It Can Have Physical Symptoms

Anxiety Is A Mental State, But It Can Have Physical Symptoms    

Among Them Are Gastrointestinal Problems, Dizziness, And Shortness Of Breath    

Even though anxiety is originated in the mind, there are cases in which it can have physical symptoms. Among these are chest pain, a racing heart, gastrointestinal problems, shortness of breath and hyperventilation, among others. It interferes with the motor function of the stomach, preventing its relaxation in order to accept more food when eating. It can also be related to pain in diverse parts of the body. More details click here.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Could Be The Cause Of Back Pain

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Could Be The Cause Of Back Pain    

It Can Be Triggered By Certain Foods Or Excess Stress    

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms can include back pain. In this case, back pain is referred which means that pain is felt in a part that is not the actual source. IBS causes constipation, bloating and excessive gasses, which can cause distention of the intestine, affecting pain receptors in the back. IBS can be triggered by allergy or intolerance to certain foods, such as chocolate, milk, and alcohol, among others. It can also be triggered by excess stress. Click here for more info.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Mediterranean-Style Diet Is As Effective As Medication For Acid Reflux

Mediterranean-Style Diet Is As Effective As Medication For Acid Reflux    

This Avoids Harmful Side Effects Of Heartburn Medication    

A study has shown that a diet based on plants for treating acid reflux is as effective as medication. This is good news due to the fact that the most prescribed drug for this condition, Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are being related with harmful side effects, such as kidney problems, dementia, increased risk of strokes, and even reduced lifespan. It is a Mediterranean-style diet, with alkaline water, and included fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Additional information click here.


Causes Of Bloating And How To Deal With Them

Causes Of Bloating And How To Deal With Them    

They Can Be Poor Eating Habits And Excess Salt    

Bloating is an uncomfortable digestive sensation caused by the excess of gas. It can have a series of causes, such as poor eating habits. Modern lifestyle sometimes forces us to a quick breakfast, a fast bite at lunch, eating over the desk, and returning to work, which prevents proper digestion. Also, excess salt leads to water retention, resulting in bloating. An unbalance in the healthy bacteria can also cause bloating, and vomiting. The reason might be excess antibiotics. Learn more about the causes of bloating and how to treat them. More info click here.


Diet Sodas Can Have A Negative Effect On Your Health

Diet Sodas Can Have A Negative Effect On Your Health    

Its Ingestion Can Lead To Sugar Craving, Flatulence, And Dehydration    

Diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners based on stevia. Even though they do not contain sugar, they can have adverse effects on the body. For example, taking it in excess can lead to gastrointestinal conditions such as flatulence and a laxative effect. Also, the brain does not differentiate between actual sugar and artificial sweetener, resulting in a craving for sweet foods. Diet sodas also contain caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, causing dehydration. Click here for more information.


Pregnancy Can Include Heartburn, Gum Disease End Excess Saliva As Side Effects

Pregnancy Can Include Heartburn, Gum Disease End Excess Saliva As Side Effects    

The Causes Are Usually Hormonal    

Pregnancy can have unusual side effects on the body of the woman. Among them are gum disease, which will disappear after having the baby. Another is heartburn, caused by hormones, which relaxes the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents the stomach food from returning. The baby also causes excess pressure on the stomach and internal organs, resulting in acid reflux. Pregnancy also causes excess production of saliva, also caused by hormonal changes. Check all the pregnancy side effects. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth    

Dry Mouth And Acid Reflux Are Some Of The Causes    

Sometimes we can feel a metallic taste in the mouth, similar to iron. This a symptom of a condition called Dysgeusia, which can be caused by acid reflux, dry mouth or dehydration, among others. There are home remedies such as oil pulling, baking soda, or green tea. These will help get rid of the odor-causing bacteria, and the excess plaque, and also have antioxidant properties. Check the recipes. More Information click here.


Home Remedies As An Alternative To Acid Reflux Drugs

Home Remedies As An Alternative To Acid Reflux Drugs    

Identify The Foods That Cause Heartburn And Eat Small Meals    

Several studies have linked acid reflux drugs to serious health conditions, so home remedies might be a good idea. One of them is aloe vera juice, which has healing properties and can also protect the gastrointestinal tract. Another is preventing heartburn by identifying what triggers them. In some cases, it might be greasy, spicy or tomato-based foods, carbonated drinks, or chocolate. Eating smaller meals and avoiding eating late at night also helps. Check all the home remedies. Click here for more details.


Acid Reflux Medication Related To Esophageal Cancer

Acid Reflux Medication Related To Esophageal Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Drug Use For An Extended Period    

Proton-pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most prescribed drugs for acid reflux. A recent study has linked it with kidney malfunction. Now, another study has related it to esophageal cancer. PPIs are used to protect the stomach lining and to treat the bacterial infection H. pylori. Additional studies are targeting patients that have used PPIs for an extended period of time, lining them to bone fractures, B12 vitamin deficiency, dementia, and heart attack, among others. Additional info click here.


Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen

Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen    

Besides Gastric Issues, It Could Be Appendicitis, Kidney Infection And Even Pelvic Inflammation    

Pain in the abdomen is usually related to gastric issues. However, there are areas, such as the lower right abdomen, in which a painful sensation can mean serious conditions. It can be linked to issues such as indigestion, excess intestinal gas and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, it can be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as appendicitis, hernia, kidney infection or kidney stones. It can also be related to gender: in the case of women, it can be an ovarian cyst, which is usually harmless, endometriosis – very painful – and pelvic inflammation. In the case of men, it can be an inguinal hernia o testicular torsion, both very painful. More details click here.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Might Be Linked To Depression

Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Might Be Linked To Depression    

It Is Caused By The Alteration Of Gut Bacteria    

We have mentioned before the risks of PPIs, which, if taken for an extended time, could be worse than its benefit. Previous studies have related these medications to the alteration of the gut bacteria. Recent research has associated the PPIs pantoprazole and lansoprazole with depression. Another study suggests that PPIs stimulate a hormone, known as gastrin, which is linked to the growth of cancerous cells. We would like to point out that OTC PPIs are intended for short-term use only, and the patient should follow a treatment, which includes a special diet and a change of habits. However, these dangerous conditions occur when there is a prolonged use, because, in many cases, the patient has been unable to change the diet, habits or excess weight, among others, that induce heartburn. Click here for more info.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Does Not Have A Unique Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Does Not Have A Unique Treatment    

The Condition Can Vary From Constipation To Diarrhea    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a mixture of several conditions that affect the time that the digestive matter takes to travel through the intestines, resulting in irregular bowel movements. One type is called IBS-C, in which the patient is usually constipated, therefore, the digestive matter takes excessive time to go through the intestines and the stools are hard for more than 25% of bowel movements and soft for less than 25% of bowel movements. IBS-D is quite the contrary, resulting in diarrhea, with soft stool in more than 25% and hard stool in less than 25% of bowel movements. IBS-A includes alternate constipation and diarrhea, combining the two previous types. However, it is possible to regain control of the bowel movement. Additional information click here.


Red Wines Are Healthier, But Pinot Noir Is The Healthiest

Red Wines Are Healthier, But Pinot Noir Is The Healthiest    

It Has The Highest Concentration Of Antioxidants And Is Safe For People With A Propensity To Heartburn    

Red wine is healthier to white or sparkling due to its antioxidants. However, which is the healthiest red wine? According to specialists, pinot noir has the highest concentration of the antioxidant resveratrol. It also has lower sugar, resulting in lower alcohol and calories. And it also has fewer tannins, which have health benefits but can be an issue for people with a predisposition to heartburn. More info click here.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Headaches    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Click here for more information.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It

Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It    

Avoid OTC Heartburn Drugs, Spicy Foods, And Large Meals    

During pregnancy, the excessive pressure of the baby on the internal organs causes heartburn. Also, the higher level of progesterone relaxes the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents the return of food to the esophagus. There are certain things to consider in order to avoid worsening this heartburn. One of them is taking only the meds prescribed by the doctor because OTC drugs are not all safe for pregnancy. Also, do not take foods that could trigger heartburn, such as greasy or spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, and also, do not take huge meals. Check all the safety tips to heartburn at bay. Additional details click here.


New Research On Coffee Health Benefits

New Research On Coffee Health Benefits    

It Could Explain Its Positive Effects On Blood Pressure, Appetite, And Calorie-Burning    

Coffee has been related to many health benefits due to its antioxidants, but, on the other hand, excess coffee has been linked to stress and digestive problems. So, coffee drinking is healthy, or not? Many studies have shown that it decreases the risk of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. However, a more recent study has shown that it reduces the production of certain metabolites in the endocannabinoid system, the same that is affected by marijuana – in other words, it has the opposite effect of pot. Even though it requires more research, it could explain its benefits in blood pressure, appetite and calorie-burning, since the cannabinoid system affects these body functions. More Information click here.


Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production    

It Helps With Digestion, Healthy Teeth, And Also With Anxiety And Stress Due To Its Repetitive Movements    

Chewing gum has health benefits. It doubles the production of saliva, which helps digestion by neutralizing the acids in foods. The additional saliva smoothens the flow of solid and liquid foods across the esophagus. Also has positive effects on heartburn, but the chewing gum must have fruity flavor – mint flavor relaxed the stomach valve, resulting in acid reflux. It also reduces nausea and also controls the irritability of the stomach. Also, a component present in saliva called iron phosphate helps with healthy teeth. It has also cognitive benefits, such as refreshing the memory and reducing depression. The repetitive chewing movements reduce the levels of stress and depression. Click here for more details.


Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants

Dry Cough Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Viruses Or Pollutants    

In The Case Of Acid Reflux, It May Also Affect The Vocal Chords    

Dry coughs can have a variety of causes. One of them is acid reflux, in which the acidic food from the stomach returns to the throat. The body reacts with a cough to get rid of the foreign matter. This can cause an inflammation of the vocal cords and is more frequent when the patient is lying down. Other causes are virus infections like a cold or flu, and also allergies which irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, resulting in a cough. Air pollution may contain chemicals which irritate the throat. Additional info click here.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wearable Device Can Detect The Stomach’s Electrical Signals

Wearable Device Can Detect The Stomach’s Electrical Signals    

It Uses 10 Electrodes And Can Detect Abnormal Activity Patterns    

Researchers have developed a device that can monitor the electrical activity of the gastrointestinal tract. This wearable system is connected to 10 small electrodes that can recognize the stomach’s electrical signals. It can capture abnormal activity patterns in the intestines. There is also an algorithm that can separate abdominal muscle activity, heartbeats and gastric activity. The information provided is similar to more invasive methods, allowing the doctor to make faster and more personalized diagnoses. More details click here.


Causes Of Bloating And How To Prevent It

Causes Of Bloating And How To Prevent It    

It Can Be Caused By IBS, Flatulence, Or Foods Such As Broccoli    

Bloating causes to have an inflated stomach which can be irritating and affect our productivity. In some cases, excess gasses can cause stomach pain. One of the causes is flatulence. If this condition is persistent, it can be a symptom of a disease. Excessive flatulence can be treated by taking smaller meals. Other causes can be conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can be controlled following a prescribed diet, celiac disease, in which the small intestine is unable to absorb nutrients, food intolerance a, and constipation. There are foods that must be avoided, like broccoli or cauliflower. Also soda drinks and artificial sweeteners. Click here for more info.


Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer Can Be Mistaken For Other Health Conditions    

Some Are Related To Gastrointestinal Issues Or Back Pain    

Ovarian cancer has symptoms can be easily confused with other health conditions and be misdiagnosed. Some of the symptoms are related to gastrointestinal issues, or back pain. Among the symptoms are persistent bloating not affected by food or medication, and continuous abdominal pain. These two conditions are confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastric infections or menstrual cramps. Other gastric issues are having a hard time eating, getting full quickly or loss of appetite, variations in bowel habits. Another symptom is back pain, which can be mistaken for a strained muscle, and won’t respond to treatment or medication. Check all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Additional information click here.


A Probiotic Supplement Can Help Get Rid Of The Symptoms Of IBS

A Probiotic Supplement Can Help Get Rid Of The Symptoms Of IBS    

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is a condition that causes bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. Its causes are not known, but it seems to be related to digestive problems and sensitivity in the stomach. Even though there are a series of drugs that treat the symptoms, recent research has found that a probiotic supplement can get rid of them. Click here for more information.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Sweetened Drink In The Fast Food Meal Will Increase The Risk Of Weight Gain

The Sweetened Drink In The Fast Food Meal Will Increase The Risk Of Weight Gain    

Replacing It With A Non-Sugary Drink Will Avoid Storing It As Fat    

Fast food restaurants offer high-protein fatty foods and the sugary beverage. However, is a good idea to replace the sugary drink with water or an unsweetened drink. Studies have proven that a high protein meal with a sweetened drink leads to more fat storage than when you have the same meal with an unsweetened drink. This is because the body burns a lower number of calories of the sugary drink and stores the excess as fat. Additional information click here.


Alkaline Water Can Have An Impact On The Stomach Acidity

Alkaline Water Can Have An Impact On The Stomach Acidity    

However, It Does Not Affect The pH Levels Of The Body    

Alkaline water is a fashion, but is it really beneficial? Foods have different degrees of acidity or alkalinity, which are measured with the pH level. Most of the food we eat is acidic, such as meat, coffee, and processed foods. Excess acidic foods are usually blamed for heartburn, and a study showed that alkaline water did neutralize the stomach acid. However, the overall pH of the body is not affected, because the body works to keep it constant. However, the benefit of alkaline water might be the vitamins and minerals it contains, not the alkalinity. More details click here.


IBS Can Be Controlled If You Know That Is Triggering It

IBS Can Be Controlled If You Know That Is Triggering It    

Certain Foods, Emotional States, And Hormones Could Be Activating It    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is linked to diarrhea, stomach cramps, constipation, and bloating. The cause has not been determined, but it might be related to gut sensitivity. In IBS, the food passes too quickly or too slowly through the intestine, resulting in diarrhea or constipation. There are factors that trigger it, such as excessive stress, oversensitivity to digestive nerve signals, hormones, and certain foods, like alcohol, fried or fatty foods, and soda drinks, among others. Learn all the factors that might be responsible for IBS. Click here for more details.


Popular Heartburn Drugs, Called PPIs Increase The Risk Of Premature Death

Popular Heartburn Drugs, Called PPIs Increase The Risk Of Premature Death    

They Have 25% More Risk Than Other Drug Called H2 Blocker, Which Is Weaker, But Safer    

Recently, a study suggested that certain heartburn drugs, known as proton-pump inhibitors, (PPIs) were related to kidney disease. According to another research, it might increase the risk of premature death. It has shown that its users had a 25 percent greater risk of premature death, compared to another type of popular drug, called H2 blockers, which are not as strong and require being used more frequently but are backed by 40 years of safe history. Additional details click here.


Friday, December 13, 2019

Love Coffee But Can’t Stand Heartburn? Add A Pinch Of Baking Soda

Love Coffee But Can’t Stand Heartburn? Add A Pinch Of Baking Soda    

Its Alkaline Properties Will Neutralize The Acid Of The Coffee    

Most people feel that their morning coffee to boost their energy. Also, recent research suggests that coffee might help live longer. Other studies have shown that it lowers the risk of depression, prostate cancer, and stroke, and also protects against breast cancer. However, it is bad news for acid reflux sufferers, because it has an acidic nature. This can be neutralized, by adding a pinch of baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, which has alkaline properties. It might change a bit the flavor, but there will be n heartburn. Also, beware of adding too much – excess sodium will affect blood pressure. More info click here.


Sugar Is Responsible For High Levels Of Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

Sugar Is Responsible For High Levels Of Bad Cholesterol (LDL)    

Avoid Excess Sweets And Carbohydrates    

There are myths about cholesterol. People avoid foods that contain it, such as eggs and shrimp. But the main source of cholesterol is in not these foods, but in our bodies. This is because there are foods that tell our body to make cholesterol. And the most important of them is sugar and simple carbohydrates. These include sweets and desserts, and also rice, pasta, and white bread. Carbohydrates are absorbed as sugar, which increases the insulin level and the bad cholesterol (LDL). Click here for more info.


PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract

PillCam Helps Diagnose Wirelessly Conditions In The Digestive Tract    

It's Much More Comfortable Than A Tracheotomy Or A Colonoscopy    

The PillCam consists of a pill with a camera inside, which can send wirelessly images of the gastric tract. It is widely used in Europe. The pill has a 10-hour battery, two cameras, and a light source, and it will send between 2,600 and 57,000 pictures on its journey. One of the models is designed for the esophagus, which will help diagnose acid reflux by checking for heartburn injuries. Compared to a tracheotomy or a colonoscopy, the patient feels nothing during the procedure. Additional details click here.


This Diet Will Help Recover Gut Bacteria

This Diet Will Help Recover Gut Bacteria    

Deficiency Of Gut Bacteria Can Result In IBS, Bloating, Stress, And Migraines    

Gut bacteria helps to break down the food into nutrients. However, there are certain things that can affect them, such as antibiotics. This can lead to IBS, bloating, stress and even migraines. The bacteria can be restored with a healthy eating regime. A possibility is a Mediterranean diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and grain. It also includes virgin olive oil and a moderate quantity of meat. More Information click here.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Heartburn PPI Drugs Not Related To Alzheimer’s In Older Adults

Heartburn PPI Drugs Not Related To Alzheimer’s In Older Adults    

However Other Drugs For The Same Population May Lead To Thinking Problems    

A recent study has found no relation between proton pump inhibitors (PPI) drugs for acid reflux and Alzheimer’s disease. These drugs decrease the body’s production of acid. Earlier studies and research stated that PPIs lead to an increase in the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s in older adults. However, the sale adult population takes other drugs containing Benadryl, related to older age, which treats incontinence, depression, and sleep problems, which may be linked to thinking difficulties. Additional info click here.