Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Your Health May Also Depend On Your Sleeping Position

Your Health May Also Depend On Your Sleeping Position    

Not all sleeping positions are equal. Sleeping on the back is good for acid reflux because the esophagus is below the stomach. The opposite happens when one sleeps on the side, specifically on the right side. Learn about the sleeping positions. More info click here.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Treating Heartburn Also Requires Habit And Lifestyle Changes

Treating Heartburn Also Requires Habit And Lifestyle Changes    

Heartburn can be treated by meds that will control the acid production in the stomach. However, the real cure will come with a change of habits and diet, eating smaller amounts, eliminate foods such as coffee, soda, fatty foods, and spicy foods. Click here for more details.


Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath

Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath    

Omega-3 acids are essential for our health. However, our body does not make them so we have to get them from fatty fish, like salmon or tuna, or fish oil supplements. If we cannot eat fish every day, the solution is taking supplements. However, the recommended daily intake can be excessive, resulting in belching, bad breath heartburn and nausea. Fortunately, there are alternative sources of omega-3 acids. Click here for more info.


Detox Your Liver With These Foods

Detox Your Liver With These Foods    

The liver is part of the digestive system and responsible for vital tasks in the body. However, a poor diet and bad habits can result in toxin build-up. There are various foods that will help to detox the liver, such as beets, which have flavonoids and beta-carotene, and grapefruit, which is rich in antioxidants. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Positive Results Of The Removal Of Trans-Fatty Acids From The Diet

Positive Results Of The Removal Of Trans-Fatty Acids From The Diet    

Recent studies have shown that cholesterol levels are lowering in the US, and also there are declining death rates of heart disease. The reason might be the removal of trans-fatty acids, resulting in a healthier diet. Click here for more details.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Eating A Large Meal Before Going To Sleep Will Result In Acid Reflux

Eating A Large Meal Before Going To Sleep Will Result In Acid Reflux    

Also, It Prepares The Body For Activity, Leading To Problems Getting Asleep    

Eating a large meal before going to sleep will result in heartburn and also problems getting to sleep. This is because of the body, in the presence of a large meal, prepares itself for action, when the objective is to go to sleep. Also, lying down after taking a meal will increase the risk of acid reflux. In a standing position, gravity makes it harder for the food to return. This does not occur when lying down. More info click here.


Drinking A Glass On Water As Soon As You Wake Up Will Have These Benefits

Drinking A Glass On Water As Soon As You Wake Up Will Have These Benefits    

Drinking a glass of water every morning has many health benefits. It rehydrates the body, helps flush out the toxins, helps in better digestion and prevents heartburn y lowering the acid level. The rehydration also aids with bowel movement and with better brain functions, among others. More Information click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Change Your Habits To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Change Your Habits To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux is a sign that your digestive system does not agree with what you are eating. This article shows a sufferer’s struggle to end it, identifying the foods that must be avoided until he is cured, the foods that must be encouraged, and the new habits he must adapt. More Information click here.


Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Antacids lower the amount of acid in the stomach, in order to prevent heartburn. However, the stomach needs acid to process the food, so the lack of acid forces the stomach to work harder, resulting in heartburn. The answer? More acid – but not just any acid. Click here for more information.


Treating Gastroparesis In A Natural Way

Treating Gastroparesis In A Natural Way    

Gastroparesis is a condition in which the stomach does not empty completely due to problems in the muscles that move the digestive matter. This causes issues with normal digestion. Fortunately, there are several home remedies such as low-fat foods, cooked vegetables, ginger tea, aloe vera and apple cider vinegar, which will help with abdominal pain and heartburn. Check all the home remedies. More details click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

IBS Occurs When The Intestine Works Too Fast Or Too Slow    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastric condition that occurs when the intestine works too fast, or too slow. This means that there are different types: IBS-C, constipation, when the intestine works too slow, IBS-D, diarrhea, when the intestine works too fast, or a mixed type, called IBS-M. The symptoms of IBS-C are abdominal pain and less than 3 bowel movements per week, which IBS-D has also tummy pain, and watery stools. Note that these symptoms are also common in other gastric conditions, therefore it is advised to have a proper diagnosis by a specialist. The next step is to determine what foods can worsen or make better the IBS. Caffeine is a laxative, and alcohol can trigger loose stools – avoid these in case of IBS-D. Fiber will help in the case of IBS-C. Also, according to specialists, one of the causes of IBS is an unbalance of the helpful bacteria in the intestine that helps digestion, which can be treated with probiotics. Check all the advice for IBS sufferers. Click here for more details.


How Stomach Acid Can Affect The Oral Cavity

How Stomach Acid Can Affect The Oral Cavity    

Acid reflux causes the digestive matter to return to the esophagus, throat and in some cases, the oral cavity, which affects the teeth. The stomach acid erodes the enamel, resulting in excessive wear. This worsens in the case of silent reflux, in which there is no burning sensation. Additional info click here.


Treating Gastroparesis In A Natural Way

Treating Gastroparesis In A Natural Way    

Gastroparesis is a condition in which the stomach does not empty completely due to problems in the muscles that move the digestive matter. This causes issues with normal digestion. Fortunately, there are several home remedies such as low-fat foods, cooked vegetables, ginger tea, aloe vera and apple cider vinegar, which will help with abdominal pain and heartburn. Check all the home remedies. More details click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Gastric Discomfort In Endurance Sports

Gastric Discomfort In Endurance Sports    

A triathlon puts a lot of effort in one’s body for an extended period of time. This means that the body must be prepared for a competition with the proper meals. Ingesting the incorrect food before might result in heartburn, bloating and even diarrhea. This is true for the experienced athlete or the 5K runner. Which foods must be taken and which avoided? Click here for more details.


Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet

Alkaline Water Can Compensate An Acidic Diet    

Excess Acidity In The Can Lead To A Number Of Serious Diseases    

Excess acidity in the body is bad for your health. This happens when the blood’s pH is lower than 7.35. Fortunately, the body had ways of balancing it. However, the typical diet can be very acidic, which makes it harder for the body to compensate. This increases the risk of heartburn, fatigue, infections, and even diabetes and obesity. Alkaline water can be an answer. Click here for more information.


Is The Baby Constantly Crying? It Might Be Acid Reflux

Is The Baby Constantly Crying? It Might Be Acid Reflux    

The Stomach Valves May Not Be Fully Developed    

Crying is normal for babies, but why do they cry? It may be that they can’t fall asleep, the diaper needs a change, they are hungry, or even, they are lonely. There can be solved easily. However, after they have changed their diapers or fed, they still keep crying. One additional reason may be acid reflux. The valve between the esophagus and the stomach, which prevents the food from returning, is not fully developed. As a result, the stomach acid affects the delicate tissues of the throat and the esophagus, leading to chest pain. Additional details click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux

Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux    

Among Them Are Treating Bad Breath, Gastrointestinal Pain, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Peppermint tea is very refreshing and has many health benefits because of its antioxidants and minerals. It is known for dealing with bad breath but also has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It contains vitamins A and C, and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, calcium. Studies have shown that peppermint oil combines with eucalyptus oil can be a natural treatment for headaches. It is also beneficial for gastrointestinal pain due to its anesthetic properties, and can also lower pain caused by cramps. There are people who cannot drink tea may be a problem to people who cannot tolerate caffeine, however, peppermint tea does not contain this substance. This is beneficial also for people with sleep disorders. All its health benefits are due to its high content substances like menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate. However, if suffering from acid reflux, peppermint tea can relax the gastroesophageal valve, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus. More info click here.


How To Avoid A Bloated Belly

How To Avoid A Bloated Belly    

The excess gas causes bloating to be very uncomfortable and may worsen as we age. In the case of women, the decreasing hormone levels interfere with the digestive process, leading the excess gas. However, it can be avoided removing from the diet foods that cause bloating, such as cabbage and broccoli, increasing the intake of probiotic foods and taking the last meal at 7 pm to also avoid acid reflux. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


Weight Increase When Pregnant Will Affect The Woman And The Child

Weight Increase When Pregnant Will Affect The Woman And The Child    

It Increases The Risk Of Giving Birth To Heavier Children    

Almost half of the women that go through pregnancy experience weight gain. In many cases, they believe that they must eat for two. This increases the health risk for their children. Babies will be born bigger, with a greater risk of obesity or cardiovascular disease later when they grow up. This gets worse if the woman is already obese when she enters pregnancy. Click here for more details.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Turmeric Is A Superfood For Risk Reduction Of Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease And Gastric Issues

Turmeric Is A Superfood For Risk Reduction Of Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease And Gastric Issues    

Tumeric is a spice so loaded with health benefits that are being considered a superfood. Studies have found that it slows the progression of breast cancer, destroys the plaque associated with Alzheimer’s disease and makes food more digestible, avoiding gastric issues. More info click here.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons

Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons    

Most of us agree that coffee is great and it will boost the energy for the day, but drinking too much can be harmful. It will disrupt your sleep, make you more stressed, and will irritate the gallbladder and colon, along with promoting acid reflux and heartburn. Check the full list. More info click here.


These Tips Will Help You Lose Weight And Have A Better Digestion

These Tips Will Help You Lose Weight And Have A Better Digestion    

There are ways to improve digestive health in a natural way, with the advantage that they will help with weight loss. Among these are taking apple cider vinegar to treat bloating and acid reflux, ingest eat and spices such as oregano, dill, and rosemary to improve healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Click here for more information.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them    

We have heard of people with eating disorders, but what are these conditions? Avoidance or restrictive food intake disorder means the patient does not want to eat and depends on nutritional supplements – this might be caused by a series of factors, including the pain caused by acid reflux in childhood. Other disorders are bulimia, which is excess eating, and anorexia, consisting of frequent weighing and restricted eating. Additional info click here.


Controlling Your Diet To Avoid Constipation

Controlling Your Diet To Avoid Constipation    

How To Identify Constipation, And How To Avoid It    

Constipation happens when the stools remain too much time in the colon. This causes the colon to absorb excess water from the stool, dries it and makes it difficult to pass. In some cases, it might cause hemorrhoids. It is usually confused with irregular bowel movement, which depends on the individual, and can be from three times a day to three times a week. The reason might be the diet and lack of fiber ingestion. Click here for more information.


Acupuncture Treatment For Acid Reflux And Chest Pain

Acupuncture Treatment For Acid Reflux And Chest Pain    

A study has found out that acupuncture and electroacupuncture are a viable treatment for reducing acid reflux and heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation and dysphagia (difficulty or discomfort with swallowing). Click here for more information.


Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good

Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good    

Drinking water is fundamental for sustaining life, but there are some cases in which it is not a good idea. After having a meal, the digestive matter is being processed by stomach acids to be absorbed in the intestine and transformed into energy. However, water might dilute the acid and reduce its effectiveness. So when it is the correct time to drink water? More Information click here.


How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable Bowel Syndrome shows itself as a digestive condition that usually requires frequent bathroom visits. There are ways to identify it, such as having a bad taste in the mouth that does not come from food, frequent urination, abnormal stool size and shape, acid reflux and diarrhea, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Lemon Water Can Be Beneficial For Acid Reflux And Dealing With Bad Breath

Lemon Water Can Be Beneficial For Acid Reflux And Dealing With Bad Breath    

However, Its Acidic Propertied Can Damage The Tooth Enamel.    

Lemon water can be beneficial for acid reflux. It has been used for treating gastrointestinal conditions and helping with digestion. It has an alkalinizing effect over the stomach acids, neutralizing them. However, in some people, lemon water actually worsens acid reflux. It can be taken 20 or 30 minutes before a meal to prevent acid reflux. Vitamin C is an additional benefit of lemon water, which is an antioxidant. It also improves the immune system and helps with the absorption of iron, reducing the risk of anemia. Other health benefits are an improvement of the skin appearance and kidney function, and even lowering the risk of cancer, but these do not have proper evidence. It also helps fighting bad breath, taking care of the foul-smelling bacteria. On the other hand, the acidic properties of lemon water can damage the teeth and the enamel. Drinking through a straw can reduce this damage. Also, since the enamel is softened due to the acid, it is advisable to wait 20 minutes before brushing the teeth. The acid can be removed by rinsing the mouth with water, or just by waiting for the saliva to clean it up. Click here for more info.


The Circadian Clock Controls All The Body Processes, Besides Wake And Sleep

The Circadian Clock Controls All The Body Processes, Besides Wake And Sleep    

It Controls The Digestive System, Hormone Release, And Brain Chemicals, Among Others    

The circadian clock is responsible for defining the sleep and wake time. However, these are not the only activities controlled by the circadian clock. In fact, most of the body’s activities are controlled by it, including organ functioning, hormone release, brain chemicals, and digestive enzyme, among many others. It controls when is the time for optimal digestion, and instructs the heart when to increase and when to lower blood flow. It also tells systems to “go to sleep” when the body is asleep. This is the case of the digestive system, in which if a person has a late night snack, the food is not digested, it just sits there until next day, along with the acid the stomach has produced. Due to the fact that the acidic food matter is not advancing to the intestines, there is a risk of acid reflux. the circadian clock also controls the salivary glands, producing saliva when the body is awake to aid with the digestion, and reducing the production at night. Check how the circadian clock controls the other organs and body processes. Click here for more info.


OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer    

A study discovered that there are common OTC medications acid reflux and peptic ulcer medications – ranitidine and famotidine – that also enhance the body’s immune system and the capability to fight cancer. More details click here.


Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device

Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device    

One of the causes of GERD is the malfunction of the valve separating the stomach and the esophagus, which prevents the food matter to return. A surgical procedure can help with this issue. A bracelet composed of magnetic links is inserted around the esophagus. The magnetism is weak enough to let the food pass but does not let the food return. Additional info click here.


Getting Rid Of Morning Stomach Ache

Getting Rid Of Morning Stomach Ache

Stomachache when waking up can be the symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and should go away after a visit to the bathroom. However, if it persists, it is not easy to find out the cause, since it is such a vague symptom. A doctor should be able to determine the cause after making several questions. Also, a good idea can be taking drugs for acid reflux and for excess gas. More info click here.


Don’t Want Heartburn Drugs? Try These Natural Remedies

Don’t Want Heartburn Drugs? Try These Natural Remedies    

Heartburn is usually treated with drugs, but recent studies have linked these with a series of health conditions. There are natural ways to treat it, such as peppermint tea, anise, papaya or papaya juice, and also baking soda. Learn how to prepare them. Click here for more details.


New Research On Coffee Health Benefits

New Research On Coffee Health Benefits    

It Could Explain Its Positive Effects On Blood Pressure, Appetite, And Calorie-Burning    

Coffee has been related to many health benefits due to its antioxidants, but, on the other hand, excess coffee has been linked to stress and digestive problems. So, coffee drinking is healthy, or not? Many studies have shown that it decreases the risk of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. However, a more recent study has shown that it reduces the production of certain metabolites in the endocannabinoid system, the same that is affected by marijuana – in other words, it has the opposite effect of pot. Even though it requires more research, it could explain its benefits in blood pressure, appetite and calorie-burning, since the cannabinoid system affects these body functions. More Information click here.


Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really    

Coffee has been blamed for causing acid reflux, addiction, and insomnia. But is this true? Arabiga coffee beans do not cause acidity or acid reflux, which is not the case with other beans, such as Robusta. Also, many studies support the fact that coffee prevents strokes and heart attacks and stimulates the immune system. Also, insomnia and restlessness can be voided with decaffeinated coffee. Additional information click here.


Causes Of Bloated Belly And How To Avoid It

Causes Of Bloated Belly And How To Avoid It    

What are the causes of a bloated abdomen? In some cases, it can be IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which increments the frequency of bowel movements. Flatulence is another reason. It can be also caused by variations in hormonal level due to early pregnancy or the premenstrual period. More details click here.


What To Eat If You Suffer From Acid Reflux

What To Eat If You Suffer From Acid Reflux    

Most people with acid reflux know that they must avoid spicy or fatty foods and alcohol, but which to know what foods should they eat. Among these are apple cider vinegar, which prevents heartburn symptoms, bananas, which coats the stomach lining, working as a natural antacid, and fennel tea, a natural anti-inflammatory. Check all the foods. Additional details click here.


What Are The Causes Of Waking Up During The Night

What Are The Causes Of Waking Up During The Night    

They Can Be A Need To Urinate, Sleep Apnea, And Acid Reflux, Among Others    

According to specialists, a third of people wake up during night at least 3 times per week, and 40% have trouble falling asleep again. This is called sleep maintenance insomnia. There are many causes for this, such as the room environment is too hot, noisy, or bright. This happens because of the phases of sleep. There are 5 phases. Phases 1 to 4 are related to resting, while phase 5 is REM (rapid eye movement), which is when dreams occur. Phase 1 is the lightest sleep, and a person can wake up with a slight noise. Another cause is anxiety, which is related to a fast heartbeat, nightmares, or even nocturnal panic attacks. Waking up at night to urinate, also called Nocturia is another cause and it is fairly common, especially if a person has drunk water before going to sleep. This is worse in diabetics, which experience thirst requiring to drink more water. Sleep apnea is also a cause, which is a condition that interrupts breathing during sleep. It can be due to an obstruction in the airway or a brain condition in which it does not sends the signals to the muscles responsible to snoring. In addition, excessive eating before bedtime can cause acid reflux, causing the food matter to return to the throat. Another issue related to digestion is eating too little, which can cause stomach growls or cramps due to hunger. Check all the reasons that can wake up a person at night. Additional details click here.


Hernia Symptoms Can Be Confused It With Other Health Conditions

Hernia Symptoms Can Be Confused It With Other Health Conditions    

Heartburn, Nausea, And Feeling Full Can Lead To Gastrointestinal Issues    

A hernia is a condition in which the tissue stick out through a weak area in the muscle linings, and can be very painful. However, some of the symptoms can be confused with gastric issues or heartburn. The main sign is a visible painful bulge in the abdomen. Also, there is an abdominal pain when bending or lifting things, and a tightness sensation around the abdomen or groin. Other symptoms are closely related to gastrointestinal conditions are feeling full and bloated after eating a small meal, and if you overeat, it can be painful. Also, there is a sensation of nausea or vomiting, and constipation, in case the hernia is related to the large intestine and blocks the digestive process. However, if the hernia is located in the upper abdomen, the symptom will he heartburn. Check all the symptoms of hernia. More info click here.


After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated

After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated    

Sometimes the occasion presents and we can’t resist a large meal. This leads to bloating, reflux, even nausea. So how to avoid this? One of them is with proper hydration - water helps to process the food, while alcohol slows down digestion. Click here for more info.


With The New Findings On Acid Reflux, Should You Continue Taking The Same Medication?

With The New Findings On Acid Reflux, Should You Continue Taking The Same Medication?    

A recent study has shown that, in the case of acid reflux, the esophagus damage thought to be caused by stomach acid is really caused by inflammation. The issue is that patients are asking if they should stop taking medication or change it. Click here for more information.


Study: Alcohol Consumption May Result In A Higher Risk Of Cancer In The Digestive System

Study: Alcohol Consumption May Result In A Higher Risk Of Cancer In The Digestive System    

This Applies Even To Casual Drinkers    

A recent report has related the level of alcohol consumption and a higher risk of cancer in the digestive system, such a pancreatic, liver, colorectal and esophageal. According to the study, this is not linked only to heavy drinkers which take four or more drinks per day, but also to casual drinkers taking one drink per day. Also, in many cases, smoking is associated with drinking, which also increases the risk of cancer in the respiratory system. Additional details click here.


Heartburn Sensation Can Be Controlled With These Home Remedies

Heartburn Sensation Can Be Controlled With These Home Remedies    

Gastritis is the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. One of the reasons might be the intake of spicy food. A solution is taking an antacid tablet, but if you prefer natural treatments, a simple remedy is taking ice cold water, coconut water, or ginger, which has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection

Study: Heartburn Drugs Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Infection    

A study has shown that extended use of acid reflux drugs, such as acid suppressors like proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, can increase the risk of infection with the bacteria C.difficile and Campylobacter. These bacteria are responsible for abdominal pain and diarrhea but can have a more serious outcome. More details click here.


These Everyday Habits May Run Havoc For Your Body

These Everyday Habits May Run Havoc For Your Body    

There are everyday habits that seem innocent but can damage our well-being. Some of these are wearing tight pants, which cause digestive problems and heartburn, crossing your legs might increase blood pressure and sleep on your face can lead to wrinkles. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Might Be Linked To Depression

Certain Acid Reflux Drugs Might Be Linked To Depression    

It Is Caused By The Alteration Of Gut Bacteria    

We have mentioned before the risks of PPIs, which, if taken for an extended time, could be worse than its benefit. Previous studies have related these medications to the alteration of the gut bacteria. Recent research has associated the PPIs pantoprazole and lansoprazole with depression. Another study suggests that PPIs stimulate a hormone, known as gastrin, which is linked to the growth of cancerous cells. We would like to point out that OTC PPIs are intended for short-term use only, and the patient should follow a treatment, which includes a special diet and a change of habits. However, these dangerous conditions occur when there is a prolonged use, because, in many cases, the patient has been unable to change the diet, habits or excess weight, among others, that induce heartburn. Click here for more info.


Heartburn Meds Related To Mental Issues And Fluid Build-Up

Heartburn Meds Related To Mental Issues And Fluid Build-Up    

Recent studies have associated heartburn drugs, such as PPIs (Proton-Pump Inhibitors), with a series of health conditions. Recently it has been found that they are related to loss of brain function due to the inability to remove toxins from the blood, and also fluid buildup in the abdomen. Additional details click here.


Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common

Unnecessary Prescriptions Of PPIs Are Getting More Common    

The most commonly prescribed acid reflux drugs are called Proton-Pump Inhibitors, which have been designed for short-term relief. However, when used for a long time, can have serious side effects. It has been found that doctors are prescribing them for an extended period, or to treat conditions that are unfamiliar with their intended use. Click here for more info.


Study: Blood Vessels Prematurely Aged By Heartburn

Study: Blood Vessels Prematurely Aged By Heartburn    

Recent studies showed a correlation between heartburn drugs known as PPIs and heart disease, kidney disease, and dementia. Other studies have also related it to a mechanism that prevents cleaning up the residues in the cells, resulting in premature aging. Additional details click here.


Mint Has Healthy And Refreshing Effects

Mint Has Healthy And Refreshing Effects    

Mint causes a chilling effect on the tongue, similar to the heat effect of chili pepper. It has menthol, which stimulates the same receptors that perceive cold. It has health benefits for digestive problems, pain and inflammation, and treatments of colds and flu. Additional information click here.


OTC Drugs Related To Memory Decay

OTC Drugs Related To Memory Decay    

According to a study, over the counter drugs related to heartburn, motion sickness high blood pressure, depression, among others, might be related to memory decline. Users performed worse in executive function skills and short-term memory. Click here for more details.


Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions

Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions    

Snoring is a condition that affects the snorer and the partner. Both will suffer from daytime sleepiness because of the poor sleep. The cause might originate on the nose, throat or the tongue. One of the causes can be related to acid reflux – eating spicy food will cause acid reflux, which will result in sinus problems, coughing and blockage of the airway when lying sleep, which in turn create snoring issues. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth    

Dry Mouth And Acid Reflux Are Some Of The Causes    

Sometimes we can feel a metallic taste in the mouth, similar to iron. This a symptom of a condition called Dysgeusia, which can be caused by acid reflux, dry mouth or dehydration, among others. There are home remedies such as oil pulling, baking soda, or green tea. These will help get rid of the odor-causing bacteria, and the excess plaque, and also have antioxidant properties. Check the recipes. More Information click here.


Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really    

Coffee has been blamed for causing acid reflux, addiction, and insomnia. But is this true? Arabiga coffee beans do not cause acidity or acid reflux, which is not the case with other beans, such as Robusta. Also, many studies support the fact that coffee prevents strokes and heart attacks and stimulates the immune system. Also, insomnia and restlessness can be voided with decaffeinated coffee. Additional information click here.


These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS

These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS    

Spices add flavor to the food and are great for cooking. However, they also have health benefits. For example, cinnamon and cardamom have antibacterial properties that will with oral care and fighting bad breath. These two spices, along with paprika, have also properties for lowering blood pressure. Coriander can help with poor digestion, IBS, and intestinal gas. Check all the benefits. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Identifying If A Certain Food Causes Allergy Or Sensitivity

Identifying If A Certain Food Causes Allergy Or Sensitivity    

Food Sensitivity Is Linked To Food Intolerance, While Food Allergy Is More Serious And Can Be Life-Threatening    

There are times in which a person has a sensation similar to the flu, or headaches, and cannot determine why. The cause might be related to certain foods that cause a negative effect on the body, which results in a food allergy or food sensitivity. This causes an adverse reaction on the body, which can be skin rashes, indigestion, and even difficulty breathing. The reaction determines if the cause is an allergy or sensitivity. Sensitivities are not life-threatening, and they are usually caused by an incapacity to digest or to process food, also known as food intolerance. The most common symptoms are stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. To identify which food originates the sensitivity, the idea is to keep track of the ingested foods. Food allergies are more serious and complicated. The immune system recognizes the ingested protein as an invader, and reacts to it with antibodies, leading to physical symptoms that can be life-threatening. Common symptoms are shortness of breath, itching, trouble swallowing, and tongue swelling. Check all the symptoms caused by allergy or sensitivity, and the most common foods that can cause it. Additional information click here.


What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

IBS Occurs When The Intestine Works Too Fast Or Too Slow    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastric condition that occurs when the intestine works too fast, or too slow. This means that there are different types: IBS-C, constipation, when the intestine works too slow, IBS-D, diarrhea, when the intestine works too fast, or a mixed type, called IBS-M. The symptoms of IBS-C are abdominal pain and less than 3 bowel movements per week, which IBS-D has also tummy pain, and watery stools. Note that these symptoms are also common in other gastric conditions, therefore it is advised to have a proper diagnosis by a specialist. The next step is to determine what foods can worsen or make better the IBS. Caffeine is a laxative, and alcohol can trigger loose stools – avoid these in case of IBS-D. Fiber will help in the case of IBS-C. Also, according to specialists, one of the causes of IBS is an unbalance of the helpful bacteria in the intestine that helps digestion, which can be treated with probiotics. Check all the advice for IBS sufferers. Click here for more details.


These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn

These Hangover Cures Will Avoid Headache And Heartburn    

Excess drinking is not advised by any means, apart from the fact that the hangover feels terrible. So, just in case you had too many drinks, there are ways to avoid a hangover. For example, eating fatty food before going out will coat the stomach walls, reducing the alcohol intake in the bloodstream. However, eating the fatty food in the morning after drinking will result in heartburn. Another tip is to stay hydrated, eating foods that will help detox the liver, and reload your vitamin. Check all the advice for avoiding a hangover. More info click here.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Certain Pregnancy Issues Can Be Dealt With A Proper Diet

Certain Pregnancy Issues Can Be Dealt With A Proper Diet    

Certain pregnancy discomforts can be treated with diet. Nausea can be avoided by eating fewer carbohydrates and more protein. Heartburn can be dealt with avoiding foods such as caffeine, garlic, citrus, onion, and black pepper. Improve water retention with foods with potassium, such as chia seeds. Check all the pregnancy issues. More Information click here.


Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Baking Soda Can Act As An Antacid, Preventing Heartburn And Acid Reflux    

It Also Decreases The Risk Of Osteoporosis, Arthritis, And The Formation Of Kidney Stones    

Baking soda is known as a kitchen ingredient. However, it has also alkaline properties. This can help combat acid reflux and heartburn, by working as an antacid and neutralizing the excess acid in the stomach. It also combats excess acidity in the body by alkalinizing it. Also, excessive acidity can lead to osteoporosis, arthritis, and same types of cancer. Excessive acidity is one of the causes of the appearance of kidney stones, along with iron deficiency and dehydration. Baking soda can help prevent these conditions. It also reduces inflammation, reducing the accumulation of uric acid in the joints, preventing arthritis. Check how to make baking soda water. Click here for more information.


Change Your Habits If You Want A Good Digestion

Change Your Habits If You Want A Good Digestion    

Digestion is a series of different processes. If one of these processes is affected, the whole digestion is altered, resulting in heartburn, bloating, and constipation, among others. For proper digestion, some of the things to avoid are overeating, incorrect chewing, low fiber intake, even stress, and anxiety. Check the full list. Click here for more info.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health

These Foods Will Boost Digestive Health    

They Include Fiber, Prebiotics, And Probiotics    

A healthy digestive system depends, among others, in certain foods. The three main groups are fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics. Fiber regulates the speed at which the food passes through the intestine, regulating the bowel movements – among these are legumes, barley, and bran. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which reside in the digestive system and are created through fermentation – some of these foods are yogurt and miso, made from fermented soybeans. Prebiotics are the food for these microorganisms, and some of these are bananas, asparagus, and artichokes. More Information click here.


Friday, July 10, 2020

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating

These Foods Will Help With Excess Bloating    

Some foods produce too much stomach gases, which result in bloating and also poor digestion, added to an uneasy sensation. There are foods that will help avoid this. For example, garlic has anti-bacterial properties that will help in controlling the bad stomach bacteria. Ginger can stimulate the production of digestive juices, which helps to move the food. Also, oats can help with regular bowel movements. Click here for more details.


Eating Less Protein Or Fatty Foods Lowers The Secretion Of Stomach Acid

Eating Less Protein Or Fatty Foods Lowers The Secretion Of Stomach Acid    

One of the causes of heartburn is the excessive secretion of stomach acid. This is the result of a diet high in protein or fat, like meat or fried foods, or overeating. Chewing food thoroughly into smaller pieces mixes it with saliva and also reduces the digestion time, which also requires less stomach acid. More info click here.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Gastric Conditions    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Headaches    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Click here for more information.


Taking Antacids For Too Much Time Can Alter The Digestive Process

Taking Antacids For Too Much Time Can Alter The Digestive Process    

One of the types of heartburn drugs is called PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors), which are used in preventing stress ulcers, blocking the secretion of stomach acid. However, it has been found that in the long term, it disrupts the balance of the gastrointestinal tract, altering the absorption of nutrients. Additional details click here.


Strawberries Can Suppress Symptoms Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Strawberries Can Suppress Symptoms Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)    

This Gastrointestinal Condition Can Cause Severe Diarrhea And Fatigue    

According to a study, colonic inflammation can be reduced by eating strawberries. These fruits can also improve gut health and also suppress some symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a condition which can cause severe diarrhea and fatigue. The treatment may include medication and surgery. However, eating three-quarters of a cup of strawberries can suppress symptoms such as weight loss and bloody diarrhea. This condition is caused by sedentarism and a poor diet, including excess sugar and animal fat, and low fiber. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer

Study: Late-Night Eating Might Be Related To A Higher Risk Of Prostate And Breast Cancer    

The Cause Could Be Associated With The Disruption Of The Circadian Rhythm    

According to a recent study, late-night eating can increase the risk of prostate or breast cancer. The study revealed that people that did not eat anything two hours before bedtime have a 20% decrease in the risk of suffering these types of cancer. One cause can be the disruption of the circadian rhythm, which also disrupted the levels of glucose, cortisol, and leptin, and also had a higher level of inflammation. This applied also to habitual late-night eating, and also night-shift workers, not occasional cases in which the person must stay once in an overnight shift. The risk of cancer is determined by genetics and environment. Genetics cannot be controlled, but the environmental factors can be controlled, such as avoiding eating before going to bed to promote proper sleep and prevent a disruption of the circadian rhythm. Additional info click here.


Sugar Is Responsible For High Levels Of Bad Cholesterol (LDL)

Sugar Is Responsible For High Levels Of Bad Cholesterol (LDL)    

Avoid Excess Sweets And Carbohydrates    

There are myths about cholesterol. People avoid foods that contain it, such as eggs and shrimp. But the main source of cholesterol is in not these foods, but in our bodies. This is because there are foods that tell our body to make cholesterol. And the most important of them is sugar and simple carbohydrates. These include sweets and desserts, and also rice, pasta, and white bread. Carbohydrates are absorbed as sugar, which increases the insulin level and the bad cholesterol (LDL). Click here for more info.


Long-Term Use Of Meds Related To Inability To Absorb Vitamins

Long-Term Use Of Meds Related To Inability To Absorb Vitamins    

Studies have found issues with the long-term use of certain medications, which can cause nutrient depletion and inability to absorb vitamins, like B12. Among these drugs are PPIs, commonly used for acid reflux. More Information click here.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Planning To Follow The Waist Trainer Fad? This Is How It Affects Your Body

Planning To Follow The Waist Trainer Fad? This Is How It Affects Your Body    

Waist trainers can give women an instant hourglass shape. However, the impact on the body is very negative. While it might be an easy way to get rid of the excess body fat in the midsection, the truth is that it pushes organs out of place, makes breathing more difficult, and the extra pressure results in acid reflux. Additional information click here.


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle    

If suffering from acid reflux, prescriptions medicine might not be enough. Lifestyle and habits also promote heartburn and acid reflux. For example, excess weight, eating late at night, smoking and alcohol, among others. Click here for more information.


Babies With Acid Reflux Receive Medicine That Can Be Even More Harmful

Babies With Acid Reflux Receive Medicine That Can Be Even More Harmful    

Acid reflux is common in babies because their gastroesophageal valve is not fully formed. However, an acid-suppressing medication that is being given to babies can be even more harmful. More Information click here.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Ginger Prevents Bad Breath By Breaking Down The Foul Smell In The Saliva

Ginger Prevents Bad Breath By Breaking Down The Foul Smell In The Saliva    

It Has Also Gastrointestinal Benefits And Helps Relieve Motion Sickness, Acting On The Balance Organs In The Inner Ear    

Ginger has many natural benefits, and one of them is breveting bad breath by enabling an enzyme in the saliva to break down foul smells. Other healthy spices, such as turmeric and cardamom, are considered to be from the same family as ginger. It is so effective in cleaning smells and flavors in the mouth, that it is used in Japanese cuisine as a palate cleanser taken between dishes. It has also gastrointestinal benefits, stimulating saliva flow, relieving an upset stomach, nausea, and diarrhea, and prevent excess gasses. It contains a compound called gingerol, which enables these benefits. It also relieves motion sickness acting on the vestibular system located in the inner ear. Additional benefits are relief from asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension. It can also help control nausea caused by pregnancy or stomach flu. Also, nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments is treated by anti-nausea or antiemetic drugs. Anti-nausea drugs have several side effects, such as fast heartbeat, slurred speech, and hearing loss. Ginger works as a healthy, natural alternative and has no side effects. More info click here.


Heartburn Symptoms Can Be Confused For Heart Condition And Gall Bladder Stones

Heartburn Symptoms Can Be Confused For Heart Condition And Gall Bladder Stones    

Acid reflux must be taken seriously. Antacids are a temporary solution, but if the problem persists, it can be related to cardiac problems, the symptoms can be confused by a minor heart attack, or gallbladder stones, among others. Check the full list of symptoms. Click here for more info.


Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Late-Night Eating Affects Digestion And Sleep

Late-Night Eating Affects Digestion And Sleep    

Some people love to have bedtime snacks. However, some are more healthy than others. Eating cereal, coffee, pizza or any high-fat meal can affect your sleep cycle. Sugars in cereals will boost blood sugar and interfere with sleep. Additional info click here.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It

Feeling Bloated After Meals? Learn How To Avoid It    

Many people feel bloated after a meal. This uncomfortable condition feels as if the stomach is excessively full due to excessive gas. One treatment may be staying away from dairy products or carbs, because the body may be unable to process lactose or gluten. Also, it is worth trying to eat slower, because when eating too fast, air is inhaled, leading to bloating and excess gas. Check all the treatments for bloating and what causes them. More details click here.


Causes And Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcer

Causes And Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcer    

Frequent Heartburn, Nausea, And Vomiting Are Some Of The Symptoms    

Abdominal pain is usually related to indigestion or acid reflux. However, it can also a symptom of a more serious condition, such as an ulcer. However, there are other health conditions that also have the same symptoms. The most common causes are bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and taking too much NSAID pain relievers, such as ibuprofen. Contrary to common belief, stress and anxiety do not cause ulcers. Among the symptoms are pain between the sternum and belly button, the pain has a burning sensation, which can be caused by a peptic ulcer. Also, there is nausea so intense that leads to vomiting, and also there is frequent heartburn. Another symptom is feeling full quickly. Check all the symptoms. More info click here.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

New Breakthrough Means Less Sugar In Chocolate

New Breakthrough Means Less Sugar In Chocolate    

Nestlé has discovered a new way to structure sugar that makes it dissolve more quickly which fools the taste buds and raises the sweetness. This means that 40% less sugar will be needed in the chocolate. Additional info click here.


This Ice Cream Can Promote A Good Night’s Sleep

This Ice Cream Can Promote A Good Night’s Sleep    

It Replaces Substances That Can Disrupt Sleep, Such As Lactose, Which Can Cause Acid Reflux    

There is a new ice cream that claims to help with sleep by making it less disruptive. It does not induce sleep but reduces the actors that can interrupt sleep, such as caffeine in chocolate, and lactose which can be the source of acid reflux. It has also low sugar, due to the fact that sugar ingestion has been related to poor sleep. It has also foods like walnuts, almonds and tart cherries, which stimulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Additionally, it includes protein, which contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin. The idea has been to remove or replace the substances that can affect normal sleeping. Also, the flavors that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, use decaffeinated chocolate. More info click here.


These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn

These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn    

Do you want to improve your cooking in the same case of making it healthy? Try adding spices. Ginger has a fragrant flavor and has anti-inflammatory properties. Tumeric is the main spice in curry and is used to fight depression and liver disease. Also, it is good for arthritis, indigestion, and heartburn. Check all the spices. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good

Drinking Water After Eating Is Not Good    

Drinking water is fundamental for sustaining life, but there are some cases in which it is not a good idea. After having a meal, the digestive matter is being processed by stomach acids to be absorbed in the intestine and transformed into energy. However, water might dilute the acid and reduce its effectiveness. So when it is the correct time to drink water? More Information click here.


Health Benefits Of Licorice

Health Benefits Of Licorice    

Licorice is candy but is also a plant similar to beans, and its root was widely used in ancient Greece, Egypt, India, and China. But it is also very sweet, about 50 times as sweet as sugar. It is anti-inflammatory, great for stomach ulcers and acid reflux, among others. It also protects against the toxic effects of coffee, tobacco, cocaine and other substances. More info click here.


A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood

A Plant-Based Diet Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Acid Reflux And A Good Mood    

It Also Increases Productivity And Helps With Diabetes    

Plant-based diets consist of getting most of the daily nutrients from plans instead of eggs, meat and refined foods such as flour or oil. According to specialists, it has multiple advantages such as lower blood pressure, BMI, and cholesterol levels. It can also increase the level of antioxidants, regulate blood sugar and increase the level of nutrients responsible for mood enhancing, resulting in a better overall mood and productivity. It also helps with acid reflux, diabetes and sleep apnea, among others. More Information click here.