Friday, February 28, 2020

Chronic Pain Treatments Can Be Affected By Heartburn Medication

Chronic Pain Treatments Can Be Affected By Heartburn Medication    

Chronic pain management is usually treated via painkillers, which can cause addiction. Also, the treatment might interact with other medications. For example, proton-pump inhibitors, for acid reflux treatment, limit the absorption of proteins, which affect the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to low pain tolerance. Fortunately, there are also natural ways to take care of chronic pain. Click here for more details.


Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating

Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating    

Bloating is the uncomfortable sensation of having your stomach too full. It is caused by certain foods, but also by poor habits. One of them is not chewing the food properly, which leads to undigested food since the saliva does not mix properly with the food. Other is eating fatty food in excess, which results in the food staying too much time in the intestine. More Information click here.


Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them

Types Of Eating Disorders And How To Identify Them    

We have heard of people with eating disorders, but what are these conditions? Avoidance or restrictive food intake disorder means the patient does not want to eat and depends on nutritional supplements – this might be caused by a series of factors, including the pain caused by acid reflux in childhood. Other disorders are bulimia, which is excess eating, and anorexia, consisting of frequent weighing and restricted eating. Additional info click here.


Sugar Is More Harmful Than What You Think

Sugar Is More Harmful Than What You Think    

Sugar is almost everywhere: processed foods, sweets, sodas. However, most of us don’t realize the harm it does. It not only causes excess weight but also causes inflammation, which is the main cause of heart disease. Also, it raises cholesterol, causes aging and wrinkles and produces acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions

Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions    

When the heart skips a beat, it is known as an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitation. Some of the causes are related to digestive issues. For example, acid reflux is caused by food returning through the esophagus, which is located close to the heart. Therefore heart palpitations can happen after a meal or when lying down. Also, overeating can cause the stomach to stretch, resulting in an excess work for the heart while it sends blood to the stomach to help with digestion. Learn about all the causes of heart palpitation. More info click here.


Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition In Your Body

Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition In Your Body    

Bad breath is usually caused by poor dental hygiene, or by certain foods such as garlic or onions. But it also can be a sign that something is working wrong in the body, as a result of sinusitis, liver disease, acid reflux, and even excess stress. Click here for more info.


Advisory On Heartburn Meds With Aspirin: It May Worsen The Condition

Advisory On Heartburn Meds With Aspirin: It May Worsen The Condition    

The FDA has issued an advisory, informing that products for treating digestive problems, that contain aspirin, can worsen the condition. This can occur because of intestinal bleeding. Additional info click here.


Frequent Acid Reflux Can Represent A Serious Health Condition

Frequent Acid Reflux Can Represent A Serious Health Condition    

Acid reflux can be caused by a poor diet, excess eating or acidic foods, among others. However, persistent acid reflux can cause conditions such as damage to the delicate tissues in the throat or the esophagus. Also, the continued use of antacids can affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Additional information click here.


Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux

Chronic Stress Will Affect Our Bodies With High Blood Pressure And Acid Reflux    

A stressful situation results in the releasing of hormones, such as cortisol, that prepares our body for a “fight or flight” state. Chronic stress will release continuously these hormones, resulting in damage to our bodies, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or acid reflux. What to do to avoid it? More info click here.


Long-Term Use Of Meds Related To Inability To Absorb Vitamins

Long-Term Use Of Meds Related To Inability To Absorb Vitamins    

Studies have found issues with the long-term use of certain medications, which can cause nutrient depletion and inability to absorb vitamins, like B12. Among these drugs are PPIs, commonly used for acid reflux. More Information click here.


Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety    

Untreated, It Can Seriously Affect The Function Of The Main Organs    

The thyroid gland regulates the production of energy and metabolism, including the heart, brain, bowels, skin and body temperature. Incorrect hormonal levels will affect health and wellbeing. The symptoms of the low hormonal level (hypothyroidism) include hair loss, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. On the other side, high hormone levels (hyperthyroidism) show as weight loss, anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, and heart palpitations. Both conditions have various symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. Click here for more information.


Study: Stomach Problems Are Mainly Originated By Stress

Study: Stomach Problems Are Mainly Originated By Stress    

New research has shown that the main cause of digestive problems is stress, followed by poor diet and poor sleeping habits. Bowels are more susceptible to changes in mood and to stress. Therefore, it is better to control stress before looking tor antacids or other heartburn drugs. More details click here.


Trouble In Swallowing May Lead To Serious Health Conditions In The Esophagus

Trouble In Swallowing May Lead To Serious Health Conditions In The Esophagus    

There are some conditions that result from the demands of modern life. Junk foods and excess meals will result in obesity, which can cause esophageal cancer. Also, acid reflux can affect the lining of the esophagus, leading to this condition. One of the symptoms is difficulty in swallowing and persistent indigestion. Can it be treated? Click here for more info.


This Fermented Coffee Will Help You Avoid Heartburn

This Fermented Coffee Will Help You Avoid Heartburn    

Coffee is a great morning energizer, but for some persons, it can result in heartburn and acid reflux. There is now a coffee that is friendlier to the digestive system. It is fermented coffee that can also be called “probiotic coffee”. In the process, the components that cause acid reflux are removed at a molecular level. Additional details click here.


Surgical Procedure For Reconstruction Of The Stomach Valve

Surgical Procedure For Reconstruction Of The Stomach Valve    

One of the causes of acid reflux is the malfunction of the gastroesophageal valve, due to the pressure of the digestive matter in the stomach. There is a minimally invasive procedure which reconstructs the valve. Additional details click here.


Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn    

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps to treat irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps to ease the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Click here for more information.


Advice For Choosing The Correct Pillow

Advice For Choosing The Correct Pillow    

A good pillow is important because it provides support t the neck, clearing the airflow. If this gets obstructed, the result will be snoring. Among the main aspects to choose a pillow are the width of the shoulders for sleeping on a side, the firmness and the thickness. Also, if you have GERD, a wedge pillow will keep the head up, avoiding reflux. More Information click here.


Avoid These Foods If You Are Going To Take A Plane

Avoid These Foods If You Are Going To Take A Plane    

There are foods to be avoided when traveling on a plane because they might cause indigestion, gasses, or bad breath. Among these are sandwiched made of perishable food, such as tuna deli. Also yogurt and other dairies, it can clog your system, since your body is under extra-pressurization. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage will lead to excess gas. Check all the list. Click here for more information.


Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Check This Orthodox Tip To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Antacids lower the amount of acid in the stomach, in order to prevent heartburn. However, the stomach needs acid to process the food, so the lack of acid forces the stomach to work harder, resulting in heartburn. The answer? More acid – but not just any acid. Click here for more information.


For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods

For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods    

If you want to have a good night’s sleep, there are foods that must be avoided. Among these are boxed cereal and ice cream, for its high sugar content. Also, the high fat in burgers will result in acid reflux. For good digestion, all foods must be avoided for two hours before sleep. Check additional details. Additional information click here.


Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel

Acid Reflux And Soda Drinks Affect The Tooth Enamel    

Carbonated drinks are not only unhealthy because of their sugar content and nearly zero nutrients, but they also contain acid that affects the tooth enamel. Acid reflux also can affect the teeth, in the cases in which the acid, which is very strong, reaches the oral cavity. More details click here.


Check This Product For Heartburn Relief

Check This Product For Heartburn Relief    

Heartburn sufferers have a new natural alternative for treating it. Aloe vera is usually mentioned in the beauty industry, but it can also vitamins and amino acids that help to treat acid reflux. More details click here.


Learn About The Main Causes Of Frequent Coughing

Learn About The Main Causes Of Frequent Coughing    

Coughs are caused mainly by common colds or viral infections. Other causes can be sinusitis or asthma. However, the cause of a cough can originate in the stomach, in the form of acid reflux. This happens when the digestive matter returns to the esophagus and throat, irritating the nerve endings. Additional info click here.


Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues

Learning About The Miracle Diet To Get Rid Of Digestive Issues    

One of five visits to the doctor is related to digestive problems, such as bloating, excess gas, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation. One expert believes that all is related to the type of diet. Cutting out wheat, gluten, dairy lactose, and sugar is beneficial for bloating or stomach pain. Additional info click here.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Does Not Have A Unique Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Does Not Have A Unique Treatment    

The Condition Can Vary From Constipation To Diarrhea    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a mixture of several conditions that affect the time that the digestive matter takes to travel through the intestines, resulting in irregular bowel movements. One type is called IBS-C, in which the patient is usually constipated, therefore, the digestive matter takes excessive time to go through the intestines and the stools are hard for more than 25% of bowel movements and soft for less than 25% of bowel movements. IBS-D is quite the contrary, resulting in diarrhea, with soft stool in more than 25% and hard stool in less than 25% of bowel movements. IBS-A includes alternate constipation and diarrhea, combining the two previous types. However, it is possible to regain control of the bowel movement. Additional information click here.


Eating Disorders In Children When The Child Is Not Eating

Eating Disorders In Children When The Child Is Not Eating    

Eating disorders in children are usually related to excess eating and overweight kids. However, the opposite is children who don’t want to eat. This is because they associate eating with a painful condition, like in the case of acid reflux. More details click here.


How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

How To Identify If You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable Bowel Syndrome shows itself as a digestive condition that usually requires frequent bathroom visits. There are ways to identify it, such as having a bad taste in the mouth that does not come from food, frequent urination, abnormal stool size and shape, acid reflux and diarrhea, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux    

Do you suspect you have acid reflux? There are some symptoms that will help you identify it. In acid reflux, the digestive matter returns back to the esophagus and throat. This causes the throat to feel scratchy, there is a bad taste in the mouth and there is a dry cough. Learn about the other symptoms. Click here for more details.


Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux

Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux    

There are foods that can cause or worsen heartburn. In the case, if peppermint, it can relax the valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach, allowing the digestive matter to return up to the throat. Also Chocolate contains a substance that can relax the same valve. Check all the foods. Additional info click here.


Excess Eating Does Not Only Add Excess Weight, And High Blood Pressure

Excess Eating Does Not Only Add Excess Weight, And High Blood Pressure    

It Also Increases The Level Of Blood Sugar, Causes Heartburn And Nausea    

As people know, overeating leads to excess weight, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, there are immediate body changes that occur as a large meal or an all-you-can-eat buffet. Among them is an increase in blood levels due to processed foods and carbs, resulting in additional production of insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes. Also, there is an increase in metabolism, as an attempt to burn off the excessive calories. Ingesting excess food also causes swallowing of air, leading to bloating, and also causes heartburn, since the stomach valve has problems closing. Another consequence is nausea, due to the production of leptin, the hormone that tells the body that we have eaten enough. Overeating may be reserved for special occasions, but doing it frequently will harm your body. Check all the consequences of overeating. More info click here.


Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating

Avoid These Poor Habits And Get Rid Of Bloating    

Bloating is the uncomfortable sensation of having your stomach too full. It is caused by certain foods, but also by poor habits. One of them is not chewing the food properly, which leads to undigested food since the saliva does not mix properly with the food. Other is eating fatty food in excess, which results in the food staying too much time in the intestine. More Information click here.


How To Distinguish Heartburn Pain From A Heart Attack

How To Distinguish Heartburn Pain From A Heart Attack    

A heart attack is something serious. It can be painful and incapacitating, or it can be mild and subtle. This means it can be confused with a sharp digestive pain caused by heartburn or acid reflux. Check the symptoms described by many heart attack survivors. Click here for more details.


Anxiety Is A Mental State, But It Can Have Physical Symptoms

Anxiety Is A Mental State, But It Can Have Physical Symptoms    

Among Them Are Gastrointestinal Problems, Dizziness, And Shortness Of Breath    

Even though anxiety is originated in the mind, there are cases in which it can have physical symptoms. Among these are chest pain, a racing heart, gastrointestinal problems, shortness of breath and hyperventilation, among others. It interferes with the motor function of the stomach, preventing its relaxation in order to accept more food when eating. It can also be related to pain in diverse parts of the body. More details click here.


Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons

Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons    

Most of us agree that coffee is great and it will boost the energy for the day, but drinking too much can be harmful. It will disrupt your sleep, make you more stressed, and will irritate the gallbladder and colon, along with promoting acid reflux and heartburn. Check the full list. More info click here.


These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has many symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Even though it can be treated with meds, there are diets that can be helpful. One of these is the probiotic diet, which balances the bacteria in the gastric system. Also, the alkaline diet can fight the high acidity of the typical foods that are highly acidic. Eating smaller portions four or five times a day gives the body a steady supply of energy and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system. Click here for more information.


Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety    

Untreated, It Can Seriously Affect The Function Of The Main Organs    

The thyroid gland regulates the production of energy and metabolism, including the heart, brain, bowels, skin and body temperature. Incorrect hormonal levels will affect health and wellbeing. The symptoms of the low hormonal level (hypothyroidism) include hair loss, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. On the other side, high hormone levels (hyperthyroidism) show as weight loss, anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, and heart palpitations. Both conditions have various symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. Click here for more information.


Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment, But Also Has Many Side Effects

Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment, But Also Has Many Side Effects    

Among Them Are Nausea, Constipation And Vomiting, Hair Loss, Mood Changes, And Oral Injuries    

Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the worst news that a person can receive. Many patients have doubts and are confused about cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy. The objective of this treatment is to destroy the cells that are growing fast, like cancer cells, but unfortunately, it also targets other fast-reproducing, healthy cells, such as hair follicles, mouth, digestive tract, and bone marrow. It can also affect the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and nervous system. The most common side effect is hair loss because the chemotherapy drug affects the hair follicles. It will also affect hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs, and genitals. However, not every chemotherapy drug causes hair loss. another common symptom is nausea and vomiting. The drug has an effect on the gastrointestinal system, causing the nausea sensation or actual vomiting. Other gastric issues are constipation and diarrhea, which can be prevented by eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated. Chemotherapy can also affect oral health, causing mouth sores, and also mood changes, including anxiety and depression, and have a negative effect on the cognition. More Information click here.


Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks

Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks    

Acid reflux is not only related to gastric conditions. While lying down, the acid that returns to the throat can generate asthma episodes. Stress is also another trigger for asthma. Check all the events that can trigger an asthma attack. Click here for more info.


Taking Deep Breaths Will Benefit Your Digestion

Taking Deep Breaths Will Benefit Your Digestion    

Breathing is a simple and natural way to help digestion and prevent acidity. According to experts, taking three deep breaths aids in digestion and prevents overeating and excess acidity. This is because the oxygen you inhale helps to maintain the correct balance of acid and alkaline. Additional info click here.


These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux

These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux can be caused by a poor diet, certain medicines, and a malfunction of the gastroesophageal valve, among others. While it is being treated, there are foods that can make it worse, thus they must be avoided. Some of them are tomatoes, caffeine, and alcohol. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Pineapple Is A Natural Treatment To Improve Digestion

Pineapple Is A Natural Treatment To Improve Digestion    

Pineapple has health benefits for poor digestion, better skin, and more energy among others. It helps with poor digestion because undigested proteins can be responsible for allergic reactions and inflammation, when absorbed into the bloodstream, and can also promote the formation of crystals due to uric acid. Pineapple contains a substance that makes meat and other foods with concentrated proteins easier to digest. More Information click here.


Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen

Causes Of Pain In The Lower Right Abdomen    

Besides Gastric Issues, It Could Be Appendicitis, Kidney Infection And Even Pelvic Inflammation    

Pain in the abdomen is usually related to gastric issues. However, there are areas, such as the lower right abdomen, in which a painful sensation can mean serious conditions. It can be linked to issues such as indigestion, excess intestinal gas and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, it can be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as appendicitis, hernia, kidney infection or kidney stones. It can also be related to gender: in the case of women, it can be an ovarian cyst, which is usually harmless, endometriosis – very painful – and pelvic inflammation. In the case of men, it can be an inguinal hernia o testicular torsion, both very painful. More details click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches, Back Pain, And Acid Reflux

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches, Back Pain, And Acid Reflux    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of a headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. More info click here.


Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux

Natural Drug-Free Solutions For Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux is usually caused by excess pressure on the stomach, and also the excessive production of acid. There are natural solutions, such as belly breathing, which strengthens the muscles in the diaphragm, and treatments like acupuncture, yoga, and massage. More info click here.


Causes Of Acid Reflux On Seniors

Causes Of Acid Reflux On Seniors    

People suffering from heartburn often wonder why it is happening. Some of the causes are eating too much and close to bedtime – this is because the when the body is in a horizontal position, the digestive matter can return easily to the esophagus. Also excess weight, which slows down the digestive process and generated pressure in the stomach, affecting the stomach valve. More Information click here.


Acid Reflux Can Eventually Lead To Cancer

Acid Reflux Can Eventually Lead To Cancer    

This Can Occur If The Condition Is Left Untreated    

Heartburn is one of the symptoms of acid reflux. Its cause is the contact of stomach acid with the lining of the esophagus, the throat, and in some cases, the oral cavity. If untreated, the acid can generate abnormal cells in the esophagus, called Barret’s esophagus, which eventually can turn into cancerous. However, there are therapies to avoid this condition, along with better eating habits. More info click here.


Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It

Heartburn Usually Appears During Pregnancy - Learn How To Control It    

Avoid OTC Heartburn Drugs, Spicy Foods, And Large Meals    

During pregnancy, the excessive pressure of the baby on the internal organs causes heartburn. Also, the higher level of progesterone relaxes the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents the return of food to the esophagus. There are certain things to consider in order to avoid worsening this heartburn. One of them is taking only the meds prescribed by the doctor because OTC drugs are not all safe for pregnancy. Also, do not take foods that could trigger heartburn, such as greasy or spicy foods, alcohol, chocolate, and also, do not take huge meals. Check all the safety tips to heartburn at bay. Additional details click here.


Quick Remedies For Heartburn

Quick Remedies For Heartburn    

There are quick remedies for easing heartburn. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which helps with the acids in the stomach. Bananas and apples have natural antacids. Additional info click here.


Identifying If Your Baby Has Baby Reflux

Identifying If Your Baby Has Baby Reflux    

If your baby is constantly crying, the reason might be acid reflux. This is because the gastroesophageal valve, which prevents the food from returning to the esophagus, is not fully developed. Other reasons might be an allergy to cow or milk formula, or blockage. Click here for more information.


Worried But Gaining Weight Around Your Body? This May Be The Cause

Worried But Gaining Weight Around Your Body? This May Be The Cause    

Do you feel you are adding weight around your belly? Some of the reasons are that you are sitting all day, you are aging, which promotes the production of a hormone linked to body fat, you are stressed, which increases the production of cortisol, which helps with the accumulation of body fat, or that you are having too much late dinners, which cannot be converted to energy while sleeping, increasing the bell fat, and also indigestion and acid reflux. More Information click here.


These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn

These Spices Will Add Taste And Also Help With Depression, Arthritis And Heartburn    

Do you want to improve your cooking in the same case of making it healthy? Try adding spices. Ginger has a fragrant flavor and has anti-inflammatory properties. Tumeric is the main spice in curry and is used to fight depression and liver disease. Also, it is good for arthritis, indigestion, and heartburn. Check all the spices. Additional information click here.


Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions

Snoring Can Be Related To Digestive Conditions    

Snoring is a condition that affects the snorer and the partner. Both will suffer from daytime sleepiness because of the poor sleep. The cause might originate on the nose, throat or the tongue. One of the causes can be related to acid reflux – eating spicy food will cause acid reflux, which will result in sinus problems, coughing and blockage of the airway when lying sleep, which in turn create snoring issues. Additional details click here.


Hungry Before Bedtime? These Foods Will Help Losing Weight And Control Heartburn

Hungry Before Bedtime? These Foods Will Help Losing Weight And Control Heartburn    

Excess late-night eating is known to be a major cause of weight gain, and also will lead to heartburn. This is because the body is in a horizontal position while sleeping, and gravity will help to return the food to the esophagus. But there are foods that will calm down the hunger and help with weight loss, such as bananas, turkey or non-fat Greek yogurt. These contain tryptophan, which helps with sleep. Additional info click here.


Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device

Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device    

One of the causes of GERD is the malfunction of the valve separating the stomach and the esophagus, which prevents the food matter to return. A surgical procedure can help with this issue. A bracelet composed of magnetic links is inserted around the esophagus. The magnetism is weak enough to let the food pass but does not let the food return. Additional info click here.


Causes Of Bloating And How To Deal With Them

Causes Of Bloating And How To Deal With Them    

They Can Be Poor Eating Habits And Excess Salt    

Bloating is an uncomfortable digestive sensation caused by the excess of gas. It can have a series of causes, such as poor eating habits. Modern lifestyle sometimes forces us to a quick breakfast, a fast bite at lunch, eating over the desk, and returning to work, which prevents proper digestion. Also, excess salt leads to water retention, resulting in bloating. An unbalance in the healthy bacteria can also cause bloating, and vomiting. The reason might be excess antibiotics. Learn more about the causes of bloating and how to treat them. More info click here.


Beware Of These Home Hangover Cures

Beware Of These Home Hangover Cures    

There are many home hangover cures and people who swear for them. Many of these cures do actually more harm than good. Among the things to avoid are sweets and sugar because the drinks the night before had already sugar. Also, doing a light workout or sweating the excess alcohol will dehydrate the body, worsening the effect because of the diuretic properties of alcohol. Click here for more details.


Apples Have Health Benefits That Really Keep A Doctor Away

Apples Have Health Benefits That Really Keep A Doctor Away    

Apples have many health benefits. Among them are its nutritional value, risk reduction of the stomach, esophageal, colon cancers, weight loss, protect brain neuron from oxidation preventing neurodegenerative diseases, and also protecting from oxidative damage in the lungs, helping breathe better. More Information click here.


Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain

Causes Of Frequent Abdominal Pain    

If you have abdominal pain, consider that there are many organs that can be affected. If one has inflammation, it can be easily spread to the other organs. The reason might be a food intolerance or allergies, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and also IBS – Irritable Bower Syndrome. It can even be caused by organs that are not in the abdomen, such as the thyroid. What can you do about it? More details click here.


These Symptoms May Be Related To A Covered Heart Attack

These Symptoms May Be Related To A Covered Heart Attack    

Heart attack symptoms can be mistaken for acid reflux. One of them a gradual stabbing sensation in the chest that can go on for weeks. Heartburn pain begins after meals, and it is not suffered continuously. Nausea can be a symptom of digestive issues, but if it comes with other heart attack symptoms like cold sweat and shortness of breath, you must see your doctor. Additional information click here.


Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

It Is Related To Decomposed Bacteria, Including Gastric Issues Like Acid Reflux, Vomiting And Bowel Obstruction    

Bad breath can have many causes. However, there are cases in which the smell is fetid, similar to stools. This might be a symptom of an underlying health condition. The most common cause is poor oral hygiene, including chronic dry mouth, oral infections, and inflammation of the mouth, nose or throat. Sinus infection is another cause since the mucus trapped in the sinuses contains bacteria that is decomposing. The smell of feces can also come from an abscessed tooth, as a result of tooth decay, which contains a buildup of pus, which has this particular smell. There are also gastrointestinal causes, like bacterial content in prolonged vomiting and also in acid reflux. The most critical condition is a bowel obstruction, which the intestine is blocked and the digested food and stool is forced to back up, resulting in a breath smelling like stool. This last condition is critical and life-threatening. Check all the causes that can lead to breath with a smell similar to feces. Click here for more info.


Avoid Wrinkles And Look Younger Changing These Habits

Avoid Wrinkles And Look Younger Changing These Habits    

As people age, they want to stay young, but most of all, they want to look young. Some habits actually increase wrinkles among these are frowning too much, rubbing your eyes, excess sugar or sun exposure. Other is sleeping on your stomach or side, which is also bad for acid reflux. Additional info click here.


Pineapple Is A Natural Treatment To Improve Digestion

Pineapple Is A Natural Treatment To Improve Digestion    

Pineapple has health benefits for poor digestion, better skin, and more energy among others. It helps with poor digestion because undigested proteins can be responsible for allergic reactions and inflammation, when absorbed into the bloodstream, and can also promote the formation of crystals due to uric acid. Pineapple contains a substance that makes meat and other foods with concentrated proteins easier to digest. More Information click here.


Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really

Is Coffee Responsible For Acid Reflux, And Other Conditions? Not Really    

Coffee has been blamed for causing acid reflux, addiction, and insomnia. But is this true? Arabiga coffee beans do not cause acidity or acid reflux, which is not the case with other beans, such as Robusta. Also, many studies support the fact that coffee prevents strokes and heart attacks and stimulates the immune system. Also, insomnia and restlessness can be voided with decaffeinated coffee. Additional information click here.


Persistent Dry Coughs May Be A Symptom Of Acid Reflux

Persistent Dry Coughs May Be A Symptom Of Acid Reflux    

Couching is usually caused by a virus or asthma and appears in cold weather. However, other types of coughs are the result of acid reflux. The stomach matter returns up to the throat and irritates the delicate lining and leaves a metallic taste in the mouth. More details click here.


OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer

OTC Heartburn Drugs Can Increase Immunity Against Cancer    

A study discovered that there are common OTC medications acid reflux and peptic ulcer medications – ranitidine and famotidine – that also enhance the body’s immune system and the capability to fight cancer. More details click here.


Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating

Side Effects On Your Body Caused By Excess Eating    

Holidays and celebrations are usually synonyms of a large meal. There might be so many good foods that sometimes you lose control and unfortunately, your body suffers. It causes bloating, hiccups, burps, bad breath, and heartburn, not to mention weight gain. More Information click here.


Certain Pregnancy Issues Can Be Dealt With A Proper Diet

Certain Pregnancy Issues Can Be Dealt With A Proper Diet    

Certain pregnancy discomforts can be treated with diet. Nausea can be avoided by eating fewer carbohydrates and more protein. Heartburn can be dealt with avoiding foods such as caffeine, garlic, citrus, onion, and black pepper. Improve water retention with foods with potassium, such as chia seeds. Check all the pregnancy issues. More Information click here.


Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Peculiar Symptoms Of Acid Reflux    

Do you suspect you have acid reflux? There are some symptoms that will help you identify it. In acid reflux, the digestive matter returns back to the esophagus and throat. This causes the throat to feel scratchy, there is a bad taste in the mouth and there is a dry cough. Learn about the other symptoms. Click here for more details.


Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux

Foods That Can Originate Acid Reflux    

There are foods that can cause or worsen heartburn. In the case, if peppermint, it can relax the valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach, allowing the digestive matter to return up to the throat. Also Chocolate contains a substance that can relax the same valve. Check all the foods. Additional info click here.


Avoiding Heartburn In The Holiday Season

Avoiding Heartburn In The Holiday Season    

The holiday season is usually related to big meals and celebrations. The result can take a heavy toll in the digestive system. Fortunately, there are several guidelines to avoid this, such as beginning the meals earlier to avoid poor sleep, lower alcohol consumption, and eat slowly. Check all the list to avoid a heavy stomach. More info click here.


For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods

For A Good Night’S Sleep, Avoid Eating These Foods    

If you want to have a good night’s sleep, there are foods that must be avoided. Among these are boxed cereal and ice cream, for its high sugar content. Also, the high fat in burgers will result in acid reflux. For good digestion, all foods must be avoided for two hours before sleep. Check additional details. Additional information click here.


Helicobacter Not Only Related To Ulcers And Gastric Conditions

Helicobacter Not Only Related To Ulcers And Gastric Conditions    

The microorganism Helicobacter Pylori is responsible for infections related to ulcers and acid reflux. However, studies have shown that it also can be related to other conditions, such as anemia, and vitamin B12 deficiency. Recently, it has been also connected to cardiovascular disease, periodontal disease, and glaucoma. More details click here.


Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis

Study: OTC Antacid Can Be Used To Treat Tuberculosis    

A study has shown that the OTC Prevacid can be used for treating tuberculosis. This is because it is highly active again drug-resistant strains of the microorganism responsible for tuberculosis. Additional information click here.


Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions

Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions    

They Can Be Confused With Hair Loss, Constipation, Anxiety And Sleep Apnea    

The symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be caused by many other health conditions. Also, in the case of young people, doctors usually don’t screen patients for thyroid conditions. Knowing the symptoms will give the patient an idea of the possible cause, and talk it with the specialist. The most common is hair loss, due to the fact that the thyroid controls hair growth, and also can lead to hair thinning. Constipation is another symptom because hypothyroidism can lower the speed of bowel movements, and also may cause memory loss. Other symptoms are anxiety and depression, depending on if the thyroid is underactive or overactive. Hypothyroidism can also cause extreme fatigue, which is also a symptom of anemia and sleep apnea. Check all the symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Additional details click here.


Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver

Drinking Coffee Has Beneficial Effects On The Liver    

It Lowers The Risk Of Developing Cirrhosis And Advanced Liver Disease    

According to new research, coffee can be beneficial for the liver. The study showed that persons who drank three or more cups per day lowered the risk of being hospitalized due to serious liver conditions, in more than 20%. It also showed that low levels of coffee consumption were not harmful to the liver, on the contrary, it decreased the risk of developing cirrhosis and advanced liver disease. Click here for more details.


Geting Rid Of Belly Bloat

Geting Rid Of Belly Bloat    

Belly bloat leaves us a weird sensation in the abdomen. A way to deal with it is cutting off all the gas-producing foods, like carbs, refined sugars, and vegetables like broccoli and beans. Also, reduce seasonings, consume smaller meals and replace soda with water. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches

Chewing Gum Related To Gastric Problems, Oral Health, And Headaches    

It Can Cause TMD, Heartburn And Tooth Decay    

The main ingredient of chewing gum is called Gum Base, which gives the gum the rubbery nature. It is considered as standard, so manufacturers sometimes do not reveal its components. It can contain lanolin, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands of sheep, synthetic resin or polyvinyl acetate. It can cause digestive problems, because it increases air into the gastrointestinal tract, leading to cramps and bloating, it can increase acid reflux due to the brain believes that there is food intake, secreting saliva and stomach acid. It can also result in TMD – Temporomandibular joint disorder – tightening the contraction of jaw muscles and causing headache and can also result in tooth decay due to its high sugar content. Additional details click here.


Are You Allergic? Beware Of Mustard Allergy

Are You Allergic? Beware Of Mustard Allergy    

Some people have allergic reactions to certain foods, which are triggered by harmless proteins, but the body reacts triggering the immune system. Mustard is one of the foods that can generate an allergic reaction, affecting the skin, causing swelling, runny nose, and abdominal pain and acid reflux. Check the symptoms. Additional details click here.


Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions

Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions    

When the heart skips a beat, it is known as an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitation. Some of the causes are related to digestive issues. For example, acid reflux is caused by food returning through the esophagus, which is located close to the heart. Therefore heart palpitations can happen after a meal or when lying down. Also, overeating can cause the stomach to stretch, resulting in an excess work for the heart while it sends blood to the stomach to help with digestion. Learn about all the causes of heart palpitation. More info click here.


No Prescription Needed For Mild Heartburn

No Prescription Needed For Mild Heartburn    

Heartburn is usually treated with PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors). There are cases in which people take these drugs for years, for chronic acid reflux cases. However, in the case of minor heartburn, OTC antacid medicines will be enough, such as Tums or Rolaids. Click here for more info.


Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas    

It Can Also Reduce The Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain Caused By Eating Spicy Foods    

Stomach bloating is caused by soda drinks, or by eating foods such as cruciferous vegetables that cause a swelling in the abdominal area. However, this can be managed with mint tea. Mint contains a substance called menthol, which helps normalize stomach contractions. Also, the natural oils in mint aid in breaking down and removing the gas from the gastrointestinal system. Also, mint tea can contain peppermint, which soothes the symptoms of bloating, and relieves abdominal pain. According to a study, peppermint can also activate an anti-pain channel in the intestine, reducing the abdominal pain associated with eating spicy foods. More Information click here.


Health Benefits Of Artichokes

Health Benefits Of Artichokes    

Artichoke has many health benefits. It has antioxidants, which helps decrease the risk of cancer and boosts the immune system. It also had potassium, which aids in reducing the level of intake if sodium, lowering blood pressure. It also helps digestion, increasing the flow of bile, assisting in the breakdown of food and preventing indigestion pain and acid reflux. Check the many benefits. Click here for more details.


Study: Acid Reflux Injuries May Be Caused By Inflammation

Study: Acid Reflux Injuries May Be Caused By Inflammation    

Acid reflux is considered as considers a reaction caused by excess acid in the esophagus and throat. However, a new model is proposing that acid promotes the production of inflammatory cells, which in turn, are responsible for the injury in the esophagus. This could mean that acid reflux can be treated by anti-inflammatories, not by antacids or other drugs, such as PPIs, which have harmful side effects. Click here for more information.


Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure

Study: Popular Heartburn Meds Related To Kidney Failure    

Heartburn, ulcers, and GERD patients are usually prescribed PPIs – proton pump inhibitors. These run by the names of Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, and others. However, a recent study has reported that they can increase kidney failure. More info click here.


Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux

Shapers Or Tight Belts Can Be The Cause Of Acid Reflux    

The Extra Pressure On The Stomach Forces The Food Matter To Return    

One of the causes of acid reflux or heartburn is wearing too tight clothes around the abdomen. These can be shapers or tight belts. These could cause changes in the cells in the valve that does not permit the food matter to return t the esophagus. Also, the extra pressure over the stomach will stress this area, allowing the food to return, resulting in acid reflux. This extra pressure can also be the result of pregnancy, excess weight, or ingesting large meals. More Information click here.


This Diet Will Help Recover Gut Bacteria

This Diet Will Help Recover Gut Bacteria    

Deficiency Of Gut Bacteria Can Result In IBS, Bloating, Stress, And Migraines    

Gut bacteria helps to break down the food into nutrients. However, there are certain things that can affect them, such as antibiotics. This can lead to IBS, bloating, stress and even migraines. The bacteria can be restored with a healthy eating regime. A possibility is a Mediterranean diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and grain. It also includes virgin olive oil and a moderate quantity of meat. More Information click here.


Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons

Effects Of Caffeine: Pros And Cons    

Most of us agree that coffee is great and it will boost the energy for the day, but drinking too much can be harmful. It will disrupt your sleep, make you more stressed, and will irritate the gallbladder and colon, along with promoting acid reflux and heartburn. Check the full list. More info click here.


Breaking The Myth Of The Egg White Better Than Egg Yolk

Breaking The Myth Of The Egg White Better Than Egg Yolk    

Check The Nutritional Benefits Of Egg Yolk    

One popular myth regarding eggs is that the egg white is more healthy than the yolk. The egg yolk has been always linked to high cholesterol, fats and excess calories, while the egg white has more proteins. However recent studies are considering more the nutritional value of the egg as a whole, and have also found that consuming one egg every day has no impact on the coronary risk. Click here for more info.


As You Age, Check This Advice For A Better Digestion

As You Age, Check This Advice For A Better Digestion    

Aging involves a series of changes in the body. This also means there must be changes in habits. Some of them are related to good digestion. For example, chewing the food allows it to react with an enzyme in the saliva, but when aging, there is less saliva production, and so chewing is more relevant. Meal size and fluid intake are also important. Check the full list. More details click here.


Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition

Excessive Burping Can Be A Symptom Of A Health Condition    

It Can Be Linked To Acid Reflux, Gastroparesis, Gastric Ulcers, And Lactose Intolerance    

Burping is a natural process, in which the body relieved the excess gas in the stomach. Excessive gas is caused by swallowing too much air or eating foods such as beans, bananas or cauliflowers. However, there are cases in which there is excessive burping, such as in acid reflux, where the stomach valve does not close properly and allows the return of food matter and gasses. Another cause is gastroparesis, a condition that weakens the stomach muscles, and also gastritis and peptic ulcers. A common cause, present in 65% of the adult population is an intolerance to lactose, which is the inability to break down milk sugars. Check all the causes of frequent burping. Click here for more information.


Gastric Discomfort In Endurance Sports

Gastric Discomfort In Endurance Sports    

A triathlon puts a lot of effort in one’s body for an extended period of time. This means that the body must be prepared for a competition with the proper meals. Ingesting the incorrect food before might result in heartburn, bloating and even diarrhea. This is true for the experienced athlete or the 5K runner. Which foods must be taken and which avoided? Click here for more details.


Feeling Bloated All The Time? This Can Be The Reason

Feeling Bloated All The Time? This Can Be The Reason    

If you feel bloated or too gassy, your body might be making more gas than it should or failing to pass it away. This can happen sometimes after a big lunch o dinner, but for some, it is a daily problem. The cause can be acid reflux, smoking, and certain medications. What to do about it? Additional information click here.


Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs

Side Effect Of Long-Term Use Of Acid Reflux Drugs    

The most frequently prescribed drugs for acid reflux are PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors). Studies have shown that it affects kidney function, buy, when used for a long-term, it can have serious side effects, such as bone loss, gut infections, and even dementia. Click here for more info.


These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has many symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Even though it can be treated with meds, there are diets that can be helpful. One of these is the probiotic diet, which balances the bacteria in the gastric system. Also, the alkaline diet can fight the high acidity of the typical foods that are highly acidic. Eating smaller portions four or five times a day gives the body a steady supply of energy and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system. Click here for more information.


Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions

Abdominal Pain Not Only Related To Stomach Conditions    

Abdominal pain is not only related to the digestive system. It can also mean other health condition, such as gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatitis, and constipation. In the case of digestive issues, it can be the result of swelling or inflammation of the stomach lining, caused by excessive eating or drinking. More Information click here.


These Foods Will Help You With Sleeping

These Foods Will Help You With Sleeping    

You are exhausted at night, but cannot be able to sleep. Or perhaps you have awakened after sleeping for two hours, but cannot return to sleep. The cause might be what you ate. There are foods that won’t interfere with the sleep pattern, such as foods with tryptophan, which are amino acids that stimulate the production of melatonin and serotonin. These are found on walnuts, chia seeds, and most animal proteins. More details click here.