Monday, March 2, 2020

Fats, Carbohydrates, And Proteins Are Broken Down By Certain Enzymes

Fats, Carbohydrates, And Proteins Are Broken Down By Certain Enzymes    

They Can Be Obtained As Supplements If The Body Does Not Produce Enough    

The body produces certain enzymes to process foods. Among them are lipase, amylase and which breaks down fats, and carbohydrates, respectively, and protease and peptidase, which breaks down proteins. However, there are cases in which the body, specifically the pancreas, does not produce enough enzymes. In these cases, it can be obtained as a supplement, which is made from plants and animals. There are enzyme supplements for processing the sugar in the bans, and for processing milk and dairy products. However, in the case of acid reflux, there is no clear evidence that enzyme supplements will help it. More Information click here.


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