Monday, March 2, 2020

Learning The Causes Of Hiccups And How To Deal With It

Learning The Causes Of Hiccups And How To Deal With It    

If It Lasts More Than 48 Hours, It Can Be A Critical Health Condition    

Hiccups are involuntary, intermittent spasms of the diaphragm. Hiccups are caused by an irritation of the diaphragm, making it spasm, and shutting the vocal cords, making the characteristic hic sound. It can be caused by drinking sodas, excessive eating, and swallowing air when chewing gum. It is believed that the spasm is activated by the vagus nerves which runs from the neck to the diaphragm, but there might be other nerves involved. If the hiccups are lasting more than 48 hours, the cause can be nerve irritation or damage from acid reflux. Also, type 1 or 2 diabetes may involve damage to vagus nerves. There are home remedies, such as holding the breath or taking frequents sips of water, but if it is lasting more than 48 hours, one solution can be injecting an anesthetic to calm the phrenic nerve. Check all the possible causes of hiccups. Click here for more information.


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