Monday, March 2, 2020

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux

Vocal Cords Can Be Damaged By Excessive Smoking And Acid Reflux    

The Acid May Also Reach The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath And Affecting The Tooth Enamel    

Damage to the vocal cords can seriously affect the ability to communicate properly. The most common cause is yelling or screaming too much as in a musical concert or a sports event. It can also be damaged due to health conditions caused by cold weather, such as a cold or bronchitis. However, there are lesser-known causes, such as smoking, which also increases the risk of throat cancer. Also, acid reflux can damage the vocal cords, because the acidic food matter can go past the esophagus reaching the throat, affecting the throat and even the oral cavity. The acidic matter in the mouth will also cause bad breath and damage the tooth enamel. A vocal cord injury will show as a hoarse voice for two weeks, but it usually heals itself. More info click here.


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