Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Useful Advice If Suffering From Heartburn

Useful Advice If Suffering From Heartburn    

It Includes Avoiding Alcohol, Fatty Foods, And Smoking (Even Passive Smoking)    

Heartburn is caused when the stomach acid returns to the esophagus due to a malfunction of the gastroesophageal valve, the valve that prevents the food matter from returning from the stomach. The acid will cause an unpleasant sensation in the esophagus and in the throat. However, there are ways to avoid it. One of them is identifying which foods and drinks trigger the heartburn sensation. Among them are alcohol, caffeine, and fatty foods. Smoking can also trigger heartburn, and, if suffering from it, will make symptoms worse. It also includes passive smoking, so a good idea is to stay away from smokers. Stress and anxiety, and excessive weight. Also, acid reflux and heartburn usually occur when the body is on a horizontal position because the food matter can return due to gravity. Therefore, a good idea is to use a wedge pillow, which will elevate the head and chest. More info click here.


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