Thursday, April 29, 2021

Change Your Habits To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux

Change Your Habits To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux is a sign that your digestive system does not agree with what you are eating. This article shows a sufferer’s struggle to end it, identifying the foods that must be avoided until he is cured, the foods that must be encouraged, and the new habits he must adapt. More Information click here.


Acupuncture Is Also Beneficial For Allergies And Heartburn

Acupuncture Is Also Beneficial For Allergies And Heartburn    

Acupuncture has been used for relieving pain from 3000 to 5000, but it has other uses. An expert mentions that there are things that oriental medicine dos better than western medicine. Among these are allergies, asthma, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome. More info click here.


Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods    

They Promote Gut Health, Decrease The Risk Of Heart Disease, And Help With Social Anxiety    

Fermented foods and drinks have a series of health benefits. Among them are sauerkraut, kimchi. Pickles, and kombucha, which is a fermented tea. Fermented foods also help with hut health, and some believe that it reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even social anxiety. In addition, probiotics can be found in fermented dairy or vegetable products. Also, many costly gourmet foods are fermented ones because the fermentation process creates very strong flavors. According to specialists, fermented food has a flavor between fresh and rotten. In many cases, this is due to a sour or tangy flavor because of lactic acid, which is one of the main products of the fermentation process. Besides providing health benefits to the gut, which is the bacteria in the intestine, probiotics also improve immunity, help controlling blood pressure, relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and aid with the digestion of lactose in the case of lactose intolerance. Also, the procedure to ferment food have been used thousands of years ago as a mean to preserve food, when not cans or refrigerators were available. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Think Twice Before Giving Juice To Your Baby

Think Twice Before Giving Juice To Your Baby    

Infants do not have the gastroesophageal valve fully developed, which is why they burp so frequently and have reflux. Giving juice to them is adding another acidic element to their diet, and also encouraging the consumption of sweets, leading to childhood obesity. Additional details click here.


Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas

Mint Can Reduce Bloating, Removing The Excess Stomach Gas    

It Can Also Reduce The Symptoms Of Abdominal Pain Caused By Eating Spicy Foods    

Stomach bloating is caused by soda drinks, or by eating foods such as cruciferous vegetables that cause a swelling in the abdominal area. However, this can be managed with mint tea. Mint contains a substance called menthol, which helps normalize stomach contractions. Also, the natural oils in mint aid in breaking down and removing the gas from the gastrointestinal system. Also, mint tea can contain peppermint, which soothes the symptoms of bloating, and relieves abdominal pain. According to a study, peppermint can also activate an anti-pain channel in the intestine, reducing the abdominal pain associated with eating spicy foods. More Information click here.


What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What To Do If You Suffer From Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

IBS Occurs When The Intestine Works Too Fast Or Too Slow    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastric condition that occurs when the intestine works too fast, or too slow. This means that there are different types: IBS-C, constipation, when the intestine works too slow, IBS-D, diarrhea, when the intestine works too fast, or a mixed type, called IBS-M. The symptoms of IBS-C are abdominal pain and less than 3 bowel movements per week, which IBS-D has also tummy pain, and watery stools. Note that these symptoms are also common in other gastric conditions, therefore it is advised to have a proper diagnosis by a specialist. The next step is to determine what foods can worsen or make better the IBS. Caffeine is a laxative, and alcohol can trigger loose stools – avoid these in case of IBS-D. Fiber will help in the case of IBS-C. Also, according to specialists, one of the causes of IBS is an unbalance of the helpful bacteria in the intestine that helps digestion, which can be treated with probiotics. Check all the advice for IBS sufferers. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

These Supplements Will Be Beneficial For A Proper Digestion

These Supplements Will Be Beneficial For A Proper Digestion    

Among Them Are Prebiotics, Probiotics, L-Glutamine, And Certain Enzymes    

Among the most common digestive conditions are acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, and diarrhea. A proper diet will help to avoid these issues, however, there are also supplements that can be beneficial to treat these conditions. They contribute to maintaining a healthy gut bacteria, also called probiotics, which are the microorganisms located in the intestine that aid with proper digestion. Probiotics help to break down carbohydrates such as starch and fiber, which cannot be digested by the body. However, there are also bad bacteria responsible for infections and inflammation, which can outnumber the good bacteria. To avoid these, the good bacteria must have the conditions to grow and multiply. This can happen with another type of supplement called prebiotics, which serves as food for the good bacteria, consisting of vegetables, such as onions, artichoke, and certain fibers. Eventually, prebiotic supplements can be as beneficial as probiotics. Additionally, there are enzymes that help with the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are produced by the pancreas. Another supplement is L-glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in the human body. One third is located in the intestine and helps maintain its integrity, preventing that large, undigested particles pass to the blood vessels. Click here for more information.


No Prescription Needed For Mild Heartburn

No Prescription Needed For Mild Heartburn    

Heartburn is usually treated with PPIs (proton-pump inhibitors). There are cases in which people take these drugs for years, for chronic acid reflux cases. However, in the case of minor heartburn, OTC antacid medicines will be enough, such as Tums or Rolaids. Click here for more info.


After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated

After A Full Meal, You Don’t Have To Feel Bloated    

Sometimes the occasion presents and we can’t resist a large meal. This leads to bloating, reflux, even nausea. So how to avoid this? One of them is with proper hydration - water helps to process the food, while alcohol slows down digestion. Click here for more info.


Monday, April 26, 2021

Avoiding Heartburn When Ingesting Fish Oil With Omega-3

Avoiding Heartburn When Ingesting Fish Oil With Omega-3    

The Cause Is That The Oil Stays At The Top Of The Stomach    

Fish oil has a supplement called omega-3 fatty acid, which has many health benefits. Among these are brain function improvement and proper cardiovascular health, among others. However, taking it at certain times of the day will make it more effective, and avoid side effects. According to studies it required to be ingested for a long term, months, or even years, to have results. Also, it has side effects, such as acid reflux, due to the oil located at the top of the stomach, which can be avoided by dividing the daily dose and ingesting before a meal. It also prevents additional side effects, such as diarrhea and nausea. If heartburn persists, the daily dose can be divided into three, one with each meal. Also, another benefit of taking the fish oil with a meal is that it maximizes absorption. Additional details click here.


Understanding Dysphagia, A Condition Which Causes Difficulty In Swallowing

Understanding Dysphagia, A Condition Which Causes Difficulty In Swallowing    

Among The Causes Are Acid Reflux, Diverticula, And Esophageal Tumors    

Dysphagia is a condition when there is difficulty when swallowing. It can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among them is acid reflux, or GERD, in which acidic food matter returns to the esophagus due to a malfunction in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and can even reach the throat and the oral cavity. Untreated, it erodes the delicate tissue of the esophagus, narrowing it. This condition is treated with medications. Another serious condition that causes dysphagia is the presence of foreign bodies, such as diverticula, which can trap food. These bodies also appear in the colon and can get infected, resulting in an obstruction. These are removed by an endoscopic procedure. Other causes are esophageal tumors, which are early symptoms of esophageal cancer, usually a result of smoking, drinking, or obesity. Another condition is called achalasia, in which the LES is tightened, preventing the food matter from entering the stomach, causing the food to return to the oral cavity. Also, there are diffuse spasms in the esophagus, in which it contracts with high pressure, causing a painful sensation. Click here for more information.


A Restful Night May Be Affected By Certain Foods

A Restful Night May Be Affected By Certain Foods    

Among These Are Chocolate, Ice Cream, And Pizza, Which Affect Digestion And Increase Alertness    

Certain foods can boost energy or can have a relaxing effect. If the objective is a good night’s sleep, the idea is to eat foods that will relax the body. Certain foods, such as turkey, contain a substance, called tryptophan, which causes drowsiness and relaxes the body, making it ideal for sleep. However, there are other foods that will result in sleep interruptions or heavy digestion. Among them is chocolate, which is associated with sleep interruptions, pizza, which has acidic ingredients that will result in heartburn, and ice cream, which is high in sugar and will increase alertness. Other food to be prevented is hot pepper and other spicy foods, which increase blood flow, leading to a higher body temperature, which causes an adverse effect on sleep, since the body lowers the body temperature. Also, spicy foods are related to nightmares. More info click here.


Coconut Can Help Treat Heartburn And Improves The Cardiovascular And Immune System

Coconut Can Help Treat Heartburn And Improves The Cardiovascular And Immune System    

It Also Treats Bad Breath, Promotes Bone Health And Even Prevents Hair Loss    

Coconut is not only a delicious food, but it is also great for health. It helps the cardiovascular system, promoting red blood cells, due to its iron content, and also improves HDL, the “good cholesterol”, and also helps with heartburn and acidity. It is also beneficial to the immune system because of its lauric acid content and its medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids, along with its magnesium levels also help controlling resistance to insulin and reduces the risk of diabetes. It is also good for oral health, getting rid of bacteria and treating bad breath, and also teeth and bones, promoting the capacity to absorb calcium. It has moisturizing properties, preventing hair breakage and also preventing dryness in the scalp in the skin, and even helping with hair growth. Also, coconut water helps to treat heartburn and acidity. Additional information click here.


Honey Has Interesting Medicinal And Cosmetic Properties

Honey Has Interesting Medicinal And Cosmetic Properties    

It Is Helpful For Digestive Disorders, Insomnia, Stress, Heart Health, Bad Breath, And Even Hair Care    

Even though honey is best-known for its sweetness, it has interesting properties, is also used in medicine and cosmetics. It is high in sugar content and low in the water, preventing the formation of bacteria or mold. Honey has also antioxidant properties, resulting in a natural treatment to fight infection in wounds. The antioxidants, including phenols, promote cardiovascular health, preventing blood clots and helping with the dilation of arteries, thus reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Also, it helps with gastrointestinal issues, treating acid reflux, and diarrhea. Natural medicine also uses honey to treat stress, sleep issues, and even bad breath. Honey is used in cosmetics as hair and skin care, due to its antibacterial and moisturizer properties. There are other bee-based products, such as bee bread, useful for treating stress, insomnia, and digestive disorders. Click here for more info.


Omega-3 Is Beneficial, But Its Excessive Ingestion Can Have Negative Effects

Omega-3 Is Beneficial, But Its Excessive Ingestion Can Have Negative Effects    

Among Them Are Heartburn, Blood Thinning, And Poor Immunity, But Take Properly Can Boost Brain Health, Reduce Blood Pressure And Arthritis, And Even Help With Hair Growth    

Omega-3 is a fatty acid beneficial that has many health benefits, but excessive intake can have adverse effects. Among its benefits is a lower risk of cardiovascular problems, such as risk or stroke, helps control high blood pressure, increases the production of the “good cholesterol”, helps with brain function and cognition, reduces the risk of depression, helps control inflammation, arthritis, and is also beneficial for gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcers. Studies have found it beneficial even for hair loss. However, excessive intake can be harmful according to experts, men should limit the ingestion to 1.6 grams per day, while women should take no more than 1.1 grams. If the ingestion is 3 or more grams per day, there can be more harm than good, affecting the immune system, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3. It can also act as a blood thinner, resulting in excess bleeding, and also cause heartburn and diarrhea. More details click here.


Oral Health Has A Correlation Between Life Expectancy And Other Health Conditions

Oral Health Has A Correlation Between Life Expectancy And Other Health Conditions    

Also, Gum Disease Is Related To Cardiovascular And Gastrointestinal Diseases    

Studies have shown a correlation between oral health and health conditions, and also life expectancy. For example, not brushing the teeth increases the mortality risk at least by 20%, and not flossing increases it by 30%. There is also an association of periodontal disease (gum disease) and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, including acid reflux, or eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. This is a concern, because, according to statistics, 47% of the population has gum disease. Also, this condition is usually a complication of diabetes. Tooth enamel is erosion is also linked to eating disorders like acid reflux and anorexia, in which the food matter returns to the esophagus and to the oral cavity, in the case of induced vomiting. Additional info click here.


Coffee Can Health Benefits, But It Can Also Have Negative Effects

Coffee Can Health Benefits, But It Can Also Have Negative Effects    

It Disrupts Sleep, And Excessive Ingestion Can Lead To Headaches, Anxiety, And Dehydration    

Morning coffee is a must for most people. It energizes, increases attention, and has antioxidants. Caffeine feels great because it increases dopamine levels, resulting in a sensation of pleasure. It has beneficial health properties, but, in some cases, it can also a negative effect on health. The most known is how it affects sleep. Since it stimulates alertness, it will prevent the relaxation required for sleeping. An evening coffee will disrupt sleep because caffeine stays in the body for 6 hours, but this can be shortened if eating or drinking water. Another negative effect is jitters, which can occur when drinking excess coffee or tea. Headaches are also caused by excessive coffee, but are also a symptom of withdrawal from caffeine addiction, along with anxiety and stress. Too much coffee can also lead to heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems, and also acts as a diuretic, dehydrating the skin. Click here for more details.


Preventing Headaches Caused By Late Lunch Or Skipping Meals

Preventing Headaches Caused By Late Lunch Or Skipping Meals    

Job Responsibilities Or Travels Can Result In Late Eating And Headaches, But It Can Be Avoided With Healthy Snacks    

Sometimes people have to take a late lunch or miss a meal. It can be due to job responsibilities or travels, among others. One of the consequences (besides hunger) is a headache. This can also happen when oversleeping, having excessive muscle tension, and having a low sugar level. However, there are ways to avoid this, eating proteins and complex carbohydrates, in the form of snacks. Also, having some food in the stomach will decrease the risk of acid reflux, or other gastrointestinal issues. These also can be eaten at mid-morning or mid-afternoon, increasing energy and productivity. Among them are almonds and apples, which have the essential nutrients, and peanut butter and crackers, which will provide protein, carbohydrates and fat to the body. Other snacks are dark chocolate and orange, which has antioxidants and vitamin C, and oatmeal with blueberries, which contains vitamins, minerals fiber, antioxidants, and also omega-3 fatty acids. More Information click here.


An Acidic Diet Will Be Harmful To The Body

An Acidic Diet Will Be Harmful To The Body    

Combined With Excess Stress And Pollution, Will Lead To Gastrointestinal Conditions, High Blood Pressure, And Bone Issues    

People have many questions about alkaline foods, as a way to lower acidity in the body. A diet based on alkaline foods can treat gastrointestinal issues, and increase bone density. Also, alkaline foods, which include most fruits and vegetables, are easier to digest. On the other side, acidic foods include meats, salt, eggs and soda, which are harder to digest. Diets based on acidic foods promote inflammation and various degenerative diseases. The truth is that the body has an internal mechanism that regulates the pH level, which is 7.4, and if it detects excess acidity, it will balance with the minerals from the bones, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Besides the diet, another cause of acidity is excessive stress, because it increases the level of adrenaline. Another cause is environmental pollution. The acidic buildup in the body leads to digestive problems, acid reflux, headaches, high blood pressure and bone problems, among others. It will also speed up the organ aging process. Additional details click here.


Functional Foods Have Added Ingredients For Extra Health Benefits

Functional Foods Have Added Ingredients For Extra Health Benefits    

They Help To Prevent And Treat Cardiovascular Diseases, Anxiety, And Heartburn, Among Others    

There are certain foods with increased health benefits called functional foods. They help prevent deficiencies in nutrition, fight disease due to their antioxidants, which also prevent cell damage and other serious conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. These foods are also rich in fiber, which helps to prevent heart disease, stroke, and gastrointestinal conditions, such as acid reflux and ulcers. Besides nutritional benefits, these foods have added ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, probiotics and fats that promote cardiovascular health. Among them are fruits such as peaches, oranges and apples, legumes, including lentils and black beans, and fish, such as salmon, anchovies, and sardines, just to name a few. There are also modified functional foods, like fortified dairy products, fortified milk alternatives, and also fortified juices. Click here for more information.


Police Breathalyzers Can Give False Positives With Certain Foods And Health Conditions

Police Breathalyzers Can Give False Positives With Certain Foods And Health Conditions    

Among Them Are Pizza, Pastries, And Also Diabetes And Acid Reflux    

Police use a device called breathalyzer to verify if the drivers have ingested alcohol. It measures the amount of alcohol in the breath using several technologies. However, there are cases in which it can give a false positive, because of foods that produce alcohol as a by-product of the digestive process. Among them are pizzas and pastries, due to the yeast fermentation process also generates alcohol. Other foods are protein bars, bread, hot sauces, and cinnamon rolls. There are also medical conditions that can also give false positives, such as diabetes, because of the acetone on the breath and acid reflux, due to the regurgitation. Also, heart disease, among other issues, can increase the level of blood alcohol during a short period of time. More info click here.


Learn About The Main Causes Of Frequent Coughing

Learn About The Main Causes Of Frequent Coughing    

Coughs are caused mainly by common colds or viral infections. Other causes can be sinusitis or asthma. However, the cause of a cough can originate in the stomach, in the form of acid reflux. This happens when the digestive matter returns to the esophagus and throat, irritating the nerve endings. Additional info click here.


Certain Activities Must Be Avoided After Eating For A Proper Digestion

Certain Activities Must Be Avoided After Eating For A Proper Digestion    

These Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Bad Breath, And Insomnia    

Good digestion not only depends on a proper diet. There are other things that can promote it or worsen it. One of them is brushing the teeth after eating, which will get rid of the bacteria that cause gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. However, there are foods that have acidic nature, such as citrus fruits and wine, which softens the enamel. Therefore, it is better to rinse the mouth and wait at least 30 minutes to wash out the acidic residues, to avoid affecting the weakened enamel. Another is to avoid sleeping after eating, which can lead to acid reflux. This is because sleeping is done in a horizontal position, which will allow promoting the return of the food matter and stomach acid due to gravity. Also, if the food ingested has excess fat, or it also has alcohol, it will disrupt sleep. Excessive exercise must also be avoided. Even though it was formerly believed that any exercise (even a mild one) was bad after eating because there would be not enough blood for proper digestion since it would go to the extremities, this is not true. However, excessive exercise will lead to cramps and poor digestion. Additional information click here.


Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol

Several Medications Can Have Negative Interactions With Alcohol    

Among Them Are Heartburn, Blood Pressure, Depression, And Sleep Medication    

Most people take a drink or two in social events or as a way to relax, among others. However, there are medications that have adverse reactions to alcohol, and taking a drink can worsen things. Among them are OTC medications for pain and fever, which contain acetaminophen, a substance that can damage the liver, cause ulcers, stomach issues, and a fast heartbeat, if mixed with alcohol, while prescription pain medication can cause breathing issues, and memory problems. Also, medication for allergy, cold, and flu can cause drowsiness. In the case of antibiotics, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Heartburn medication, mixed with alcohol, will affect blood pressure and lead to a faster heartbeat. In the case of sleep medications, alcohol will cause breathing difficulties, and blood pressure medication can result in arrhythmia and drowsiness. Click here for more info.


Dealing With Excess Digestive Gasses And Flatulence

Dealing With Excess Digestive Gasses And Flatulence    

Among Its Causes Are Sodas, Certain Vegetables, And A Bacterial Imbalance In The Intestine    

Even though they are embarrassing for most people, gas and bloating is completely normal, and occur up to 25 times per day. They are caused by gas in the digestive system, which can be a by-product of the bacteria that contribute to the digestive process, or taken when eating too fast or drinking sodas, among others. However, there are ways to prevent excess gas. Among these are peppermint oil, which has a relaxing effect, and ginger, which has compounds that help in the breakdown of the gas, and also contributes to bowel movements. It is also important to limit the ingestion of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, where are certain vegetables, which contain substances that generate sulfur gas. Other causes of intestinal bacteria that produce excess gas in the digestive process. This can be dealt with the ingestion of probiotics which are bacteria that will compensate for the excess fermentation. Also, beans have been always related to excess gasses. This is because they contain indigestible carbohydrates. Its effect can be lowered by soaking the beans in water the night before. More details click here.


Smart Tips To Get Rid Of Nausea

Smart Tips To Get Rid Of Nausea    

Among Them Are Proper Hydration, Conscious Breathing, And Lemon Water    

Nausea can be caused by headaches, pregnancy, acid reflux, and even certain medications. It is an annoyance due to the urge to vomit. However, there are some home remedies that can be helpful. Among them is ginger, which also helps with the symptoms caused by cold and cough, and also muscle pain. Another one is lemon, which can be drunk as lemon water, or spices such as cinnamon, fennel and curcumin. In other cases, nausea can appear suddenly, and there is not lemon or spices available. One trick is proper and conscious breathing, which works as a distraction for the mind. The idea is to slow down or stop the current activity and concentrate on deep breaths, Also, it can be a symptom of dehydration, which can be dealt with taking sips of water during the day, completing the 8 glasses of water that recommended for proper hydration. Additional info click here.


Understanding Anorexia And Bulimia

Understanding Anorexia And Bulimia    

These Eating Disorders Can Lead To Extreme Fatigue, Acid Reflux, And Oral Health Problems    

Anorexia and bulimia are two eating disorders that typically appear in teenagers. They have a misleading body image of themselves, believing that they have excess weight. It gets worse when they compare themselves with people on Instagram or other social networks. Anorexia sufferers choose calorie restriction in the form of harsh diets, which lead to poor nourishment. They also tend to get rid of these calories by excessive exercising and inducing vomiting. This also has a side effect on oral health due to the attack of stomach acids on the tooth enamel and also causes bad breath. Other health consequences are constipation, extreme fatigue, and loss of menstruation. Bulimia is different, but the result is similar to anorexia. Sufferers have episodes of excess eating, even when they are full, and compensate the intake eliminating it via laxatives, vomits, or enemas. The overeating will also cause oral health issues, but will also lead to acid reflux and heartburn. Click here for more details.


Morning Coffee May Be Harmful If Taken With An Empty Stomach

Morning Coffee May Be Harmful If Taken With An Empty Stomach    

It Can Cause Gastric Issues, Headaches, And Increase Anxiety And High Blood Pressure    

Morning coffee helps with a morning boost. Besides increasing alertness, improving the mood, and decreasing fatigue, it also helps with cardiovascular disease, and decreases the risk for type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. However, it might have negative effects if drinking it with an empty stomach because it might increase the level of stomach acid. It can also exacerbate other gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers, nausea, and heartburn. On the other side, studies have shown that, for some people, coffee can result in stomach issues due to caffeine sensitivity, which is unrelated to an empty or full stomach. Another negative effect is the increase of cortisol levels, a hormone that regulates blood pressure, blood sugar levels and metabolism. However, it is also related to stressful events, and, in the case of chronic stress, excessive cortisol will have negative effects on the body, such as headaches and an increase in high blood pressure. More Information click here.


Some People Wake Up At Certain Fixed Times At Night

Some People Wake Up At Certain Fixed Times At Night    

The Cause Might Be Acid Reflux, Sleep Apnea, Or Chronic Pain, Along With Sleep Cycles    

Most people believe that sleep is an uninterrupted process, but the truth is that they wake up several times a night. However, these awakenings are so brief that the person doesn't remember, because the brain assigns them amnesic characteristics in order to avoid sleep interruptions. These can last even a few minutes, and occur when the body shifts position in to avoid waking up stiff and with poor muscle tone and can also happen when the brain transits from the sleep cycle to another. However, there are cases in which these interruptions are not amnesic, and the person wakes up, and sometimes the awakening is always at a certain hour of the night. Among the causes are anxiety, in which the brain is still on a state of high alert, medical conditions, such as acid reflux or sleep apnea, and chronic pain. The cause of the awakening at a certain time is usually due to the sleep cycles, which always occur at certain predefined times. When the sleep cycle is in light sleep (as opposed to deep sleep), the body can wake up very easily, due to sleep apnea, pain sensitivity, or acid reflux, which might be the reason why people wake up at certain times. Additional details click here.


Certain Health Conditions Can Lead To Excessive Hair Loss

Certain Health Conditions Can Lead To Excessive Hair Loss    

Among Them Are Traumas, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, And Cancer    

Hair growth has a natural cycle, in which the hair follicle rests every few years, releasing the hair strand. This does not happen at once on all the head, it is distributed in time. Therefore, part of this natural process is losing 100 strands per day. However, they are cases in which a hair loss can be more evident. The most common is related to family history, which will result in male pattern baldness. There are also certain health conditions, which include alopecia, lupus, anxiety, and thyroid problems. This is revealed by bald spots in the hair, hair thinning and breakage. Surgeries and traumatic events can cause temporary hair loss and will grow back after several months. Eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia, will also promote hair loss, due to poor nutrition. Another health condition is lupus, a long term autoimmune disease, which causes inflammation in all the body, including the skin and the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Cancer can also lead to hair loss, especially in a type called Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but the main cause is that chemotherapy treatment, which includes very strong medications that attack the cancer cells and do not discriminate hair follicles. Click here for more information.


Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body

Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    

Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    

Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling. More info click here.


Identifying Eating Disorders In Teenagers

Identifying Eating Disorders In Teenagers    

These Can Lead To Serious Gastrointestinal Conditions, Physiological Changes, And Loss Of Teeth Enamel    

Weight loss obsession can become an eating disorder, which is usually suffered by teenagers between 13 to 17 years. However, it is a treatable condition. It can be generated by a cultural prejudice against fat and obesity, which occurs in most societies. Among the symptoms, there is weight loss, excessive concern dieting, and anxiety about weight and body shape. Other signs are skipping meals or eating very small portions of food, and excessive exercising. There will be also physiological signs, such as changes, tiredness and fatigue, due to low-calorie intake, gastrointestinal issues such as stomach cramps, indigestion and even acid reflux. Additionally, there is dry skin and hair and brittle nails, because of poor nutrition, and also discoloration of teeth, and dehydration, which are caused by frequent vomiting. There are several types of eating disorders. Among them are anorexia nervosa, which is a calorie restriction of a certain type of food, which results in excessive weight loss. Another type is bulimia nervosa, which is binge eating, followed by a compensatory behavior to eliminate ingested food, such as self-induced vomiting or laxatives, causing acid reflux, or and also gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In this case, the acid in the vomit acid affects the teeth enamel. Another type is binge eating, consisting of ingesting a large amount of food, even if they're not hungry. However, unlike anorexia and bulimia, there is no compensatory behavior to purge the ingested food. Additional information click here.


Study: Mechanism Allows Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori To Remain Undetected In The Stomach

Study: Mechanism Allows Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori To Remain Undetected In The Stomach    

It Interacts With The Host’s Immune System    

Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) is a bacteria that resides in the stomach and is the most important risk factor for serious gastric conditions, such as ulcers, and a type of stomach cancer known as adenocarcinoma in the stomach. Also, this bacteria resides on half of the world's population, and is resistant to medications, such as antibiotics, making very difficult to treat health conditions related to it. A research team has found a mechanism that controls the causes of infection, in which H. pylori causes the development of stomach diseases. The bacteria manipulate the host immune system in such a way that it can survive for a long time in the stomach without being eliminated by the immune cells. It consists of the release of proteins and toxins that interact with the host’s immune system, which “cloaks” that bacteria, allowing chronic inflammation, which can result in stomach cancer. The same mechanism not only allows the bacteria to remain undetected in the stomach but also eliminates competing bacteria. It is considered that this mechanism has been developed by the bacteria after thousands of years of evolution. Click here for more info.


Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Identified By Bad Breath

Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Identified By Bad Breath    

It Does Not Present Obvious Symptoms, Making People Unaware Of Their Condition    

Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of blood sugar. If untreated it can cause circulatory problems to the extent of organ damage, especially in hearing and sight. However, the symptoms are not obvious, because they've not seen make people feel unwell or present pain in a certain part of the body. It can only be identified by a routine medical checkup. Nevertheless, it has certain signs, such as excessive thirst, and a feeling of constant fatigue. There is another symptom that can be recognized, which is bad breath, even when having proper oral hygiene via brushing and flossing the teeth. In some cases, bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be related to diabetes. This is because increased amounts of blood sugar increase glucose in saliva. This results in ketoacidosis, a condition in which the body starts burning fat, instead of glucose. This occurs when there is too little insulin in the blood, or if there is high insulin resistance. The smell of the mouth is normally compared to pear drops. Also, bad breath is usually associated with poor oral health and dental plaque. These are plaques consisting of bacteria, who feed or glucose or food residues and then release foul-smelling gases. There are also other causes such as eating or drinking strong-smelling or spicy foods. Also, there are medical conditions such as tonsillitis, acid reflux and poor habits, such as smoking. More details click here.


Stomach Cancer Has One Of The Highest Mortality Rates

Stomach Cancer Has One Of The Highest Mortality Rates    

Early Symptoms Can Be Confused By Gastrointestinal Issues    

Stomach cancer has one of the highest mortality rates, with a survival of only 14%. Consists of abnormal growth of cancer cells in the lining of the stomach, which, if undetected, will extend to other parts of the digestive system and of the body in a process called metastasis. It is difficult to diagnose because it’s early symptoms can be confused by gastrointestinal issues, such as acid reflux and burning sensation. Also, other symptoms are bloating, diarrhea or constipation. However, in the case of stomach cancer, the symptoms persist for several days. Once the patient realizes that the symptoms are persistent and visits the doctor, cancer might already be in an advanced stage. There are several risk factors for this type of cancer. It can be caused by ulcers, inflammation, and tumors in the digestive system. Usually, he appears in older people over 60 years. Click here for more details.


Popular Heartburn Medication Can Generate Carcinogen Substance

Popular Heartburn Medication Can Generate Carcinogen Substance    

It Occurs When Exposed To High Temperature For Several Days    

There is a popular medicine for heartburn called Zantac. According to a testing laboratory, it has been found high levels of a carcinogen called NDMA. This chemical appears when the drug is exposed to heat for a period of five days, and it is also occurring in the generic versions. FDA is reviewing the situation and the medication is being recalled from drugstores. It is unclear how this is happening, The medication is tested by quality control areas before leaving the manufacturer’s facilities. shipping. However, it seems that it is exposed to hot environments while stored in warehouses or transported in the process of distribution to point of sale. There are directives that have been sent, including storage and transport in controlled temperature environments. Researchers are determining whether room temperature can affect the medication at a patient's home, generating the carcinogen, and also if the body heat can create it after ingestion. More Information click here.


Health Benefits Of Artichokes

Health Benefits Of Artichokes    

Artichoke has many health benefits. It has antioxidants, which helps decrease the risk of cancer and boosts the immune system. It also had potassium, which aids in reducing the level of intake if sodium, lowering blood pressure. It also helps digestion, increasing the flow of bile, assisting in the breakdown of food and preventing indigestion pain and acid reflux. Check the many benefits. Click here for more details.


Study: More Than Half Of Heartburn Patients Experience Symptoms After Taking PPIs

Study: More Than Half Of Heartburn Patients Experience Symptoms After Taking PPIs    

These Are Prescription Drugs That Decrease Stomach Acid Production    

A common drug for a gastroesophageal reflux disorder, also called GERD, are proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). However, according to a study, more than half of the patients that take PPIs, still experience GERD symptoms including heartburn and regurgitation. GERD is a digestive disorder that affects the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, called the lower esophageal sphincter, also known as LES. The valve malfunctions, allowing the stomach acid and food matter to flow back into the esophagus and irritate the lining. PPIs are prescribed for this condition because they decrease the production of stomach acid. Additional details click here.


New Procedure Can Quickly Identify Stomach Cancer

New Procedure Can Quickly Identify Stomach Cancer    

Does Not Require Endoscopy Or Patient Sedation    

We mentioned before that GERD can be every symptom of cancer, in which there is a stomach ache and heartburn occurs for several days. This type of cancer is not easily identified in its early stages due to the symptoms can be confusing, corresponding to other health conditions. The normal detection procedure consists of endoscopy, in which a tube with a flexible camera is inserted to the mouth of the patient, down to the stomach, while the patient is under sedation. This process takes time and requires patient preparation. There is a new procedure that takes just seven minutes with the doctor and does not require sedation. It consists of a capsule, the size of the multivitamin that is connected to a string. The patient ingests the capsule, going down to the down to the stomach. The stomach acids dissolve the outer coating of the capsule, and it releases a foldout sponge. The doctor pulls the string, and the sponge returns, contacting the soft tissue in the esophagus and collecting cells in the lining. This procedure can collect about half a million cells throughout the esophagus. Then cells are afterward analyzed for any indications of cancer. Additional info click here.


Health Benefits Of Artichokes

Health Benefits Of Artichokes    

Artichoke has many health benefits. It has antioxidants, which helps decrease the risk of cancer and boosts the immune system. It also had potassium, which aids in reducing the level of intake if sodium, lowering blood pressure. It also helps digestion, increasing the flow of bile, assisting in the breakdown of food and preventing indigestion pain and acid reflux. Check the many benefits. Click here for more details.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

New Diagnostic Procedure Increases The Detection Of Precancerous Cells In The Esophagus

New Diagnostic Procedure Increases The Detection Of Precancerous Cells In The Esophagus    

These Result Of The Continued Exposure To Stomach Acid, As A Result Of Untreated Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic food matter returns to the esophagus. If untreated, it can damage the delicate tissue in the esophagus, leading to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which leads to the development of precancerous cells in the digestive system. This can also result in esophageal cancer, which has a low survival rate. The procedure to diagnose it includes a biopsy of the esophagus. There is now a new procedure for performing the biopsy, which consists of a diagnostic tool in the form of a brush that scrapes a large surface of the esophagus. This new technique increases the detection of precancerous cells by 80%, compared to traditional methods. This procedure allows sampling up to 70% of the affected area, compared to traditional pinch biopsies, which can only cover a small percentage. Additional information click here.


Friday, April 23, 2021

Consequences Of Binge Eating

Consequences Of Binge Eating    

Imagine that you are at an “all you can eat” dinner. There is so much food that you don’t know where to begin. If this turns into a frequent habit, you are binge eating. Your body prefers sugar and carbs over healthy foods, causing your pancreas to produce more insulin. Your brain releases dopamine, which is the “pleasure hormone”. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions

Heart Palpitations Can Be Caused By Digestive Conditions    

When the heart skips a beat, it is known as an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitation. Some of the causes are related to digestive issues. For example, acid reflux is caused by food returning through the esophagus, which is located close to the heart. Therefore heart palpitations can happen after a meal or when lying down. Also, overeating can cause the stomach to stretch, resulting in an excess work for the heart while it sends blood to the stomach to help with digestion. Learn about all the causes of heart palpitation. More info click here.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle


Acid Reflux Medication Is Not Enough, Change Your Lifestyle    

If suffering from acid reflux, prescriptions medicine might not be enough. Lifestyle and habits also promote heartburn and acid reflux. For example, excess weight, eating late at night, smoking and alcohol, among others. Click here for more information.


These Heartburn Symptoms Could Be Something Worse

These Heartburn Symptoms Could Be Something Worse    

Acid reflux occurs when the stomach acids return to the esophagus and throat. However, the esophagus’ constant exposure to acid can result in a condition called Barret’s esophagus, in which the cells become abnormal. This can eventually lead to esophagus cancer. Click here for more details.


Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks

Identifying Triggers To Prevent Asthma Attacks    

Acid reflux is not only related to gastric conditions. While lying down, the acid that returns to the throat can generate asthma episodes. Stress is also another trigger for asthma. Check all the events that can trigger an asthma attack. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

These Diets Can Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome    

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has many symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Even though it can be treated with meds, there are diets that can be helpful. One of these is the probiotic diet, which balances the bacteria in the gastric system. Also, the alkaline diet can fight the high acidity of the typical foods that are highly acidic. Eating smaller portions four or five times a day gives the body a steady supply of energy and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system. Click here for more information.


Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water

Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water    

Coconut water is beneficial for pregnant women and is also an alternative to sugary drinks. It acts as a diuretic, cleansing the body and also reduces heartburn and constipation due to its dietary fiber. It also increases the levels of potassium, magnesium and other substances that regulate blood pressure. Additional details click here.


Taking A Night Time Snack? Sleep Better By Avoiding These Foods

Taking A Night Time Snack? Sleep Better By Avoiding These Foods    

There are foods that must be avoided before going to bed because they will keep you away from a good night’s sleep. Some give you an energy boost, like coffee, desserts, and chocolate, while others will cause heartburn, like tea, spicy foods, citrus, and even french fries. Additional information click here.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Oral Health Has A Correlation Between Life Expectancy And Other Health Conditions

Oral Health Has A Correlation Between Life Expectancy And Other Health Conditions    

Also, Gum Disease Is Related To Cardiovascular And Gastrointestinal Diseases    

Studies have shown a correlation between oral health and health conditions, and also life expectancy. For example, not brushing the teeth increases the mortality risk at least by 20%, and not flossing increases it by 30%. There is also an association of periodontal disease (gum disease) and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, including acid reflux, or eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. This is a concern, because, according to statistics, 47% of the population has gum disease. Also, this condition is usually a complication of diabetes. Tooth enamel is erosion is also linked to eating disorders like acid reflux and anorexia, in which the food matter returns to the esophagus and to the oral cavity, in the case of induced vomiting. More info click here.


Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover    

Among The Symptoms Are Sleep Disorders, Headaches, Acid Reflux, Excess Anxiety, And Heart Palpitations    

Sometimes a deadline, final exams, or preparing a presentation can demand us working late for several nights. Most think about avoiding sleepiness with a good cup of coffee. And when one cup is not enough, the solution may be two or three more until the job is done. But what happens with the body when there is excessive caffeine ingestion? It can suffer from a caffeine hangover. People have different degrees of tolerance for alcohol. The same happens with caffeine. One symptom is a strong headache, however, caffeine is included in many headache medications. Specialists believe that excess caffeine can increase the risk of headache due to medication overuse. Another symptom is insomnia, even after many hours of taking the last cup. This is because the metabolism slows down with age, delaying the absorption of caffeine. The heart also can suffer, with a fast rate or palpitations. Excess caffeine in the body can affect the gastrointestinal system, promoting acid secretion in the stomach, and relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which causes the food matter to return to the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn. In the case of patients already suffering from heartburn, it worsens this condition. Too much coffee also causes excess anxiety by stimulating the release of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. More info click here.


Acid Reflux Drugs Can Result In A Higher Risk Of Kidney Stones

Acid Reflux Drugs Can Result In A Higher Risk Of Kidney Stones    

Studies have shown that acid reflux drugs, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-receptor blockers (H2) affect the kidney function. However, recent research has also shown that these drugs also increase the risk of developing kidney stones.  Click here for more information.


Monday, April 19, 2021

Alternative Treatment For Heartburn Using Acupuncture

Alternative Treatment For Heartburn Using Acupuncture    

There are cases in which acid reflux medication does not show a major effect on patients. This is because the valve between the stomach and esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter (LSI) does not respond to these drugs, allowing the return of stomach acids and digestive matter. However, acupuncture treatment has successfully stimulated the function on the LSI according to a study in China. Read Click here for more information.


These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux

These Foods That Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux    

Acid reflux can be caused by a poor diet, certain medicines, and a malfunction of the gastroesophageal valve, among others. While it is being treated, there are foods that can make it worse, thus they must be avoided. Some of them are tomatoes, caffeine, and alcohol. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


If These Symptoms Persist, It Could Be A Sign Of Cancer

If These Symptoms Persist, It Could Be A Sign Of Cancer    

Many diseases have symptoms that last until the health condition is cured. However, if the symptom persists, the conditions may be more serious, such as cancer. For example, heavy night sweats might be caused by lymphoma. Persistent heartburn can be the result of stomach or esophageal cancer. Persistent back pain can be related to pancreatic cancer. Review the full list. More info click here.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

An Unhealthy Breakfast Will Affect Your Mood For The Day

An Unhealthy Breakfast Will Affect Your Mood For The Day    

Many people say that breakfast is the most important meal because it provides the initial energy for the day. Also, breakfast is taken when the stomach is empty so that eating the incorrect foods can affect our mood through the day. For example, the stomach lining can be irritated by spicy foods, lactic acid from dairy can result in acid reflux, and beans can cause flatulence and gas. Check the full list. More info click here.


Friday, April 16, 2021

Chronic Pain Treatments Can Be Affected By Heartburn Medication

Chronic Pain Treatments Can Be Affected By Heartburn Medication    

Chronic pain management is usually treated via painkillers, which can cause addiction. Also, the treatment might interact with other medications. For example, proton-pump inhibitors, for acid reflux treatment, limit the absorption of proteins, which affect the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to low pain tolerance. Fortunately, there are also natural ways to take care of chronic pain. Click here for more details.


Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones

Coffee Has Many Positive Effects On Health, But Also Some Negative Ones    

It Decreases The Risk Of Several Types Of Cancer, Parkinson’s And Diabetes    

In the last years, there have been studies in favor of and against coffee. The truth is that is linked to many health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, besides the alertness and mental concentration. Recently, cancer researchers have released a study in which a chemical that forms in the process of roasting coffee, called acrylamide, probably may cause cancer. However, other studies have shown that coffee decreases the risk of cancer, including liver, prostate, and colon. It also reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and chronic liver disease. On the other side, it can affect pregnancy negatively, including pregnancy loss, endometriosis, and low birth weight. Check all the positive and negative effects of coffee. Additional info click here.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Effects Of Alcohol In The Organs

Effects Of Alcohol In The Organs    

When taking a drink or cocktail, 20 percent of the alcohol gets absorbed into the bloodstream, while the rest goes into the gastrointestinal system. The alcohol in the blood diffuses to almost all tissues, affecting the organs. For example, it alters the level of neurotransmitters in the brain and allows toxins to leak from the digestive system to the blood, causing also heartburn and acidity. Check all the effects on the organs. Click here for more details.


Mixing Processed Meats And Alcohol? It Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Cancer

Mixing Processed Meats And Alcohol? It Can Increase The Risk Of Stomach Cancer    

Recently, there was a report which blamed processed meats for many diseases in the human body. However, if you add alcohol, the risk of stomach cancer increases considerably. Click here for more information.


These Had Habits Affect Digestion, Sleep And May Cause Back Pain

These Had Habits Affect Digestion, Sleep And May Cause Back Pain    

Among Them Are Eating Before Sleep, Using Fat Wallets In The Back Pockets, And Reading Smartphones Before Bedtime    

Bad habits have negative health effects. The most common are a poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, and excess alcohol. However, there are other habits that are not as common. One of them is holding in a sneeze. This prevents a sudden pressure to be released, and it can result in serious damage, such as ruptured blood vessels in eyes, throat, and even brain, and in extreme cases, a ruptured larynx, considering that the air can be expelled at 100 mph. It is better to release the sneeze into the inner elbow if a handkerchief is not handy. I might seem impolite but is better, considering the actual virus strain. Another bad habit is to wear a wallet in the back pocket, which can cause an imbalance in the pelvis when sitting, increasing the risk of back pain and nerve pain in the legs. Also, eating a snack before going to bed will result in acid reflux, heartburn, and also sleep interruption. A bad habit that leads to poor sleep is using screens in bed, such as smartphones and tablets. This because screens emit blue light, which affects the production of melanin, a hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle. More info click here.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Causes Of Bloating And How To Prevent It

Causes Of Bloating And How To Prevent It    

It Can Be Caused By IBS, Flatulence, Or Foods Such As Broccoli    

Bloating causes to have an inflated stomach which can be irritating and affect our productivity. In some cases, excess gasses can cause stomach pain. One of the causes is flatulence. If this condition is persistent, it can be a symptom of a disease. Excessive flatulence can be treated by taking smaller meals. Other causes can be conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can be controlled following a prescribed diet, celiac disease, in which the small intestine is unable to absorb nutrients, food intolerance a, and constipation. There are foods that must be avoided, like broccoli or cauliflower. Also soda drinks and artificial sweeteners. Click here for more info.


Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia

Older Adults Prescribed With Heartburn Drugs Have An Increased Risk Of Pneumonia    

Also, Most Of These Adults Do Not Require Taking The Drug    

According to researchers, heartburn drugs had been related to pneumonia in older adults of 60 years or older. Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are drugs used to decrease acid production in order to protect the stomach. Another problem is that 40% of older adults are prescribed the drug, but the truth is that 85% of these adults do not need them. One of the reasons is that drugs are prescribed for a specific illness, but continue to take them once the illness Is treated. The research does not explain the incidence of pneumonia. Previous studies have also linked PPIs to kidney malfunction, fractures, and cardiovascular disease. Click here for more details.


Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device

Acid Reflux Treatment With A Magnetic Bracelet Device    

One of the causes of GERD is the malfunction of the valve separating the stomach and the esophagus, which prevents the food matter to return. A surgical procedure can help with this issue. A bracelet composed of magnetic links is inserted around the esophagus. The magnetism is weak enough to let the food pass but does not let the food return. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet

Benefits Of Cutting Down Red Meat From The Diet    

Cutting off red meat has benefits, such weight loss due to ingesting fewer calories, the pH balance will be less acidic, reducing the risk of diabetes and cancer, and a sensation of being less bloated, since the body digests red meat more slowly than other foods. On the other hand, the body might require alternate sources of protein and also certain nutrients, such as B12 vitamins. Additional information click here.


Certain Health Conditions Can Lead To Excessive Hair Loss

Certain Health Conditions Can Lead To Excessive Hair Loss    

Among Them Are Traumas, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, And Cancer    

Hair growth has a natural cycle, in which the hair follicle rests every few years, releasing the hair strand. This does not happen at once on all the head, it is distributed in time. Therefore, part of this natural process is losing 100 strands per day. However, they are cases in which a hair loss can be more evident. The most common is related to family history, which will result in male pattern baldness. There are also certain health conditions, which include alopecia, lupus, anxiety, and thyroid problems. This is revealed by bald spots in the hair, hair thinning and breakage. Surgeries and traumatic events can cause temporary hair loss and will grow back after several months. Eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia, will also promote hair loss, due to poor nutrition. Another health condition is lupus, a long term autoimmune disease, which causes inflammation in all the body, including the skin and the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Cancer can also lead to hair loss, especially in a type called Hodgkin’s lymphoma, but the main cause is that chemotherapy treatment, which includes very strong medications that attack the cancer cells and do not discriminate hair follicles.


Certain Drugs May Include Depression As An Unwanted Side Effect

Certain Drugs May Include Depression As An Unwanted Side Effect    

Among These Are PPIs For Treating Acid Reflux, And Beta-Blockers For High Blood Pressure    

Most drugs help in treating certain health conditions, but may also have side effects. One of these side effects is depression. Among these drugs are proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are used to treat acid reflux, birth control pills, and emergency contraceptives, beta-blockers used to treat high blood pressure, and anticonvulsants like gabapentin, among others. The risk of depression increases if the patients are taking various medications. A study on a group of patients revealed 6.9% had depression if taking one drug, but more than 15% had depression if taking three or more drugs. This was compared with patients that did not take any of these drugs, which had a depression rate of 4.7%. Additional information click here.


Monday, April 12, 2021

Avoiding Heartburn At Night And Other Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

Avoiding Heartburn At Night And Other Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep    

Working moms arrive from their jobs and have to take care of their homes, family, and pets, which can lead to exhaustion. This may affect the quality of life and productivity. One way to overcome this is to improve sleep to help regenerate body and mind. There are several ways to get good sleep, such as avoiding a big meal, which can result in heartburn. Check the full list. More info click here.