Monday, April 26, 2021

Certain Activities Must Be Avoided After Eating For A Proper Digestion

Certain Activities Must Be Avoided After Eating For A Proper Digestion    

These Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Bad Breath, And Insomnia    

Good digestion not only depends on a proper diet. There are other things that can promote it or worsen it. One of them is brushing the teeth after eating, which will get rid of the bacteria that cause gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. However, there are foods that have acidic nature, such as citrus fruits and wine, which softens the enamel. Therefore, it is better to rinse the mouth and wait at least 30 minutes to wash out the acidic residues, to avoid affecting the weakened enamel. Another is to avoid sleeping after eating, which can lead to acid reflux. This is because sleeping is done in a horizontal position, which will allow promoting the return of the food matter and stomach acid due to gravity. Also, if the food ingested has excess fat, or it also has alcohol, it will disrupt sleep. Excessive exercise must also be avoided. Even though it was formerly believed that any exercise (even a mild one) was bad after eating because there would be not enough blood for proper digestion since it would go to the extremities, this is not true. However, excessive exercise will lead to cramps and poor digestion. Additional information click here.


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