Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Good Health Indicators Can Be Gross And Not Socially Acceptable

Good Health Indicators Can Be Gross And Not Socially Acceptable    

These Include Smelly Farts, Burping, And Frequent Urination    

There are signs that serve as an indicator of good health. However, these signs are also gross, such as smelly farts, such as rotten eggs, which are a sign that there the person is ingesting adequate protein. Other smells can show a serious condition. Burping is not socially acceptable, but it should, because it is used by the body to release gas and pressure. The inability to burp results in burping and trapped gas. On the other hand, if it also includes heartburn, it could be a sign of acid reflux. Frequent urination is also good, meaning that the person is well hydrated. If the urine has a foul smell or a darker color, it can be a sign of an infection or dehydration. The grossest of all is a smooth feces, which means that the body is obtaining the adequate vitamins. More details click here.


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